TSHARC WinCE Drivers Manual Datasheet by Microchip Technology

TSHARC™ Win CE Drivers Manual
Windows® CE version 4.2
RS-232, USB & PS/2
Rev 1.18
Document Revision and Copyright
Document Name: WinCE42DriversMan042209
Document Date: April 22, 2009
Copyright Microchip Technology, 1995 – 2009, All rights reserved.
TSHARC™ is the exclusive trademarks of Microchip Technology
Contact Information
Microchip Technology
9055 North 51st Street Suite: H
Brown Deer, Wisconsin 53223
Phone: 414-355-4675
Fax: 414-355-4775
1. Table of Contents
1.Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.Table of Figures ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
Before you Begin ......................................................................................................................... 4
Supported Features ..................................................................................................................... 4
Supported Processors ................................................................................................................. 4
RS-232 Specific Information ........................................................................................................ 4
Port Assignment ....................................................................................................................... 4
Baud Rate Configurations ........................................................................................................ 4
PS/2 Specific Information ............................................................................................................. 4
USB Specific Information ............................................................................................................. 4
4.Running the TSHARC Microsoft Installer File .......................................................................... 5
Welcome Screen .......................................................................................................................... 5
License Agreement ...................................................................................................................... 6
Select Installation Folder .............................................................................................................. 7
Browsing Folder Location ......................................................................................................... 7
Verifying Disk Space ................................................................................................................ 8
Confirm Installation ...................................................................................................................... 8
Install Status Screen .................................................................................................................... 9
Driver Updates Report ................................................................................................................. 9
Installation Complete ................................................................................................................. 10
Driver File Locations .................................................................................................................. 10
5.Adding a TSHARC Driver Component to an OS Design ....................................................... 11
Launch "Platform Builder 4.2" .................................................................................................... 11
Board Support Package Selection ............................................................................................. 12
Design Templates ...................................................................................................................... 13
Application and Media Selection ................................................................................................ 14
Networking and Communications .............................................................................................. 15
Completing Platform Builder Wizard .......................................................................................... 15
Adding the TSHARC Catalog ..................................................................................................... 16
6.Configuring TSHARC Controller ............................................................................................ 17
Changing the Number of Calibration Points .............................................................................. 17
Method 1: ............................................................................................................................... 17
Method 2: ............................................................................................................................... 17
Calibrating the Controller ........................................................................................................... 17
Windows CE Calibration Registry Entries .................................................................................. 17
Enabling Right-Click Emulation.................................................................................................. 18
Method 1 ................................................................................................................................ 18
Method 2 ................................................................................................................................ 18
Configuring Right-Click Emulation ............................................................................................. 18
Disabling Right-Click Emulation ................................................................................................. 18
Changing Calibration Timeout Values ....................................................................................... 19
Method 1: ............................................................................................................................... 19
Method 2: ............................................................................................................................... 19
Configure Touch Beep ............................................................................................................... 19
Method 1: ............................................................................................................................... 19
Method 2 ................................................................................................................................ 20
Enable/Disable Touch Beep ...................................................................................................... 20
Enable .................................................................................................................................... 20
Disable.................................................................................................................................... 20
Loud Beep .............................................................................................................................. 20
Soft Beep ................................................................................................................................ 20
Changing the mouse event stream rate ..................................................................................... 20
Method 1: ............................................................................................................................... 20
Method 2: ............................................................................................................................... 20
7.TSHARC Component Removal .............................................................................................. 21
Removing a TSHARC Driver Components from an OS Design ............................................ 21
Removing TSHARC Driver Components from the Catalog ................................................... 21
8.Additional Set-Up Notes ......................................................................................................... 21
Adding shortcuts applications in an OS Design ......................................................................... 21
Establish Communication with Target CE Device ..................................................................... 21
Aygshell Component - Effect on Right-Click Emulation ............................................................. 22
Saving registry settings to Persistent Storage ........................................................................... 22
Method 1: ............................................................................................................................... 22
Method 2: ............................................................................................................................... 22
Troubleshooting TSHARC CE Driver ......................................................................................... 22
Notes ............................................................................................................................................. 23
2. Table of Figures
Figure 1: TSHARC CE 4.2.msi Welcome ........................................................................................ 5
Figure 2: End User License Agreement .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Select Installation Folder .................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4: Browse for Folder ............................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5: Disk Cost View ................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 6: Confirm Installation ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Install Status Screen ........................................................................................................ 9
Figure 8: Changes Made Since Previous Version ........................................................................... 9
Figure 9: Installation Complete ...................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10: Welcome to the Platform Wizard Screen ..................................................................... 11
Figure 11: Board Support Package Selection Screen ................................................................... 12
Figure 12: Platform Configuration Selection .................................................................................. 13
Figure 13: Application and Media Selection .................................................................................. 14
Figure 14: Networking and Communications ................................................................................ 15
Figure 15: Completed Platform Wizard ......................................................................................... 15
Figure 16: Adding TSHARC Component ....................................................................................... 16
3. Introduction
Before you Begin
Platform Builder 4.2 must already be installed and configured on your Windows
development system.
Please be sure no instances of Platform Builder 4.2 are currently running.
Navigate your system to find the TSHARCCE42V118.MSI executable file.
Supported Features
3, 4, 7, and 20 Point Calibration
Right-Click Emulation
Hardware Beep Support
Configurable Data Stream Rate
Supported Processors
Hampshire has recompiled the source code for the TSHARC WinCE driver to support the
following processors.
RS-232 Specific Information
Port Assignment
The driver loads based on the "Port" value entry within the "TSHARCS.reg" file. This value
corresponds with the available port.
"Port"=dword: 1” assigns the port to the first available port defined in the “platform.reg”
"Port" ="dword: 2" assigns the port to the second available port defined in the
“platform.reg” file.
Baud Rate Configurations
If using a TSHARC® controller using other than a 9600 baud rate, the baud rate may be changed
via the “Baud” registry entry. This may also be found in the “TSHARCS.REG” file.
TSHARC controllers are 9600 Baud by default.
PS/2 Specific Information
The 8042 input driver must be included in the OS Design in order for the TSHARC PS/2 driver to
function on CE device.
USB Specific Information
The USB host controller and the UHCI component must be installed in order for USB to function.
These components are added automatically after adding the "USB TSHARC Touch Screen
Driver" component to the OS Design.
Welcome to the TSHARC CE 4.2 Touch Screen Q Controller Driver 1 .183 Setup Wizard MICHOCHIB The installer will guide you through the steps reoried to irstall TSHAHE CE 4.2 Touch Screen Controller Driver 1.1 Ba on your computer. WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyrigit law and international treaties. Unauthorized duplication or distribution ol th‘s program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil or minimal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the max-run extent possible under the law.
4. Running the TSHARC Microsoft Installer File
Welcome Screen
Figure 1: TSHARC CE 4.2.msi Welcome
Running the Microsoft Installer application will begin with a Welcome screen. This screen shows
you what version of the driver you are installing, and for what CE platform version.
Platform builder must be installed before running the .MSI file. If you realize that Platform
Builder is not present on your system, please select ‘Cancel’ to abort the installation
License Agreement
Figure 2: End User License Agreement
The End User License Agreement must be read and agreed-to before proceeding with the
If you do not agree with the EULA statement, please select ‘Cancel’, and exit the installation
TSHARC drivers are available at no charge to TSHARC touch screen controller board or chip
customers only. Any unlawful use of TSHARC drivers is in strict violation of the United States
and international copyright laws. Please contact Microchip Technology Inc. if you have any
questions regarding the license agreement.
Using a TSHARC Driver with any third party touch screen controller is strictly prohibited
unless authorized in writing by Microchip Technology Inc.
TSHARC c: 2 Touch Screen Cunlmller Dnvev1 15a Salad lnsiallanon Folder ma mung. wwl mun VSHARE E: I 2 Vanda Semen Enmulav Man Is. to lhs Mimi‘s mus Tu mg m m rum dmk “New Tu ma m a alarm: rum mm w haw a! nick 'Emwse“ Edda I—cwm DISK End E\W|NEE62U\
Select Installation Folder
Figure 3: Select Installation Folder
Enter the root directory of your Windows CE installation and then click on the “Next” button.
For most configurations, the default path is appropriate.
Select “Next” to proceed with installation.
Browsing Folder Location
Figure 4: Browse for Folder
The TSHARCCE42V118.msi copies files to the development system.
To select a different file path, please browse to the desired location.
Select “OK” to exit.
is TSHARC CE 4‘2 Touch Sen-n Cnnllnlhl Dllvlv LIE: Select Installation Folder i'_-.1T$HARC (E 4 2 Tam h Cneen Cnnlruller Drivev1 18a Disk was 1mm belnw mm Ihe awe: yuu can mall TSHAHC CE 4 2 Tm Semen Emmlla Dnm 1.18am, along wflh each dwa'x avmldia and waited 6* In“ Volume [71* Six: Available Ream! SE 15553 W753 2544K l3 l3 E753 4558 [K E S 27363 1 3359 [K E U 273GB 1 3353 [K 4 ‘ ‘ : ISHARL (l 1 laucll Screen Lammuu Drlver1 Ea Confirm Installation 6 Manama: Th: \nstelev \: veady m nslal TSHARE BE Munch Sueen Eanlraleanvev Llfia myau amp-nu, ask "Next" in «arm 'nslalla‘nn
Verifying Disk Space
Figure 5: Disk Cost View
The Disk Cost View shows the amount of space available on each hard drive included on the
development system.
Click on the “OK” button to exit.
Confirm Installation
Figure 6: Confirm Installation
The “Confirm Installation” screen is the last opportunity to abort the installation of the driver on the
TsHARc CE 2 Touch Screen Controller Dr er1 Installing TSHARC CE 4.2 Touch Screen Q Controller Dnver 1.183 “cam TSHARE CE ‘2 rwuh Semen Eanlmlsl Drwarl Isa r: bang imam P 3:: Val rs.“ i1? TSHARC CF 4.7 Touch Screen Conlrnller Driver1JEa TSHARC CE 4.2 Touch Screen Conlroller Driver 0 1 .18a Information Mm“ Hampzhlra TSEARC "mm": c): 4.2 nnvu, 11:12:52 1.153 A Data: 1-13-05 Changasz Hodnflad lxcgnse cu reflect Microchip. Hampzhlra TSEARC "mum-s c): 4.2 nuvar, 11212552 1.15 Data: 9-17-D7 Changas: Addad baa}: suppuzc. rum-Mr. Tawnur umunm cw a 7 nrw-r. n-r-u- r m
development system.
Select “Next” to continue with the installation.
Install Status Screen
Figure 7: Install Status Screen
Once installation is complete, please select “Next”.
Driver Updates Report
Figure 8: Changes Made Since Previous Version
A document on changes made to the driver will appear.
Select “Next” to proceed.
lnstallat n Corn - lete TSHARC CE Touch Screen Co roller Driver 1.18:: Installation Complete Q Mlcnocuua TSHAHE CE 4.2 Touch Scleen Controller Drivel 1.185 has been successlully installed. Etck ”Close” to exit, u w , l Close
Installation Complete
9: Installation Complete
The installation of the TSHARC® driver is now complete.
Driver File Locations
Upon successful installation of the TSHARC driver, the TSHARC Driver files will now be copied
according to the following:
The Serial files are copied to
The PS/2 files are copied to
The USB files are copied to
The TSHARC driver components are now added to the Windows CE catalog.
New Platform Wizard 7 S‘ep 1 Welcume (n the New Plalfnnn Wizard Thlswlxavd guides you thruughlhe process m creating anew \Mndows CE NETrnased plawmm A planmm IS a spam: Imp‘emenlallnn mm: Wmdows CE upmmg sysIEm (05) an atavgaldevlce Aplemmm Eunswfls m an 05 Image and a board suppcm package (ESP), which mcludes an OEM udnptuuun layev (OAL) and device dwevs Thiswllavd helpsyuu 782mm: asp , Sam: 5 plaflmm mnllguralmn -SE\Eda Eunhguvaflunvananl - Se‘ecl addmuna‘ «secures based u" yuur cumiguvmlon choices Tn Conllnue, chck Next < back="" i="" nan)="" i="" lesh="" cancel="">
5. Adding a TSHARC Driver Component to an OS
Adding the TSHARC driver component to your OS design is an integral step in the Image Building
Process. Often this step is over-looked or performed incorrectly.
The TSHARC driver was designed to make this process simple to execute.
These steps show how to add the TSHARC controller’s component to your image design.
Launch "Platform Builder 4.2"
Figure 10: Welcome to the Platform Wizard Screen
The Platform Wizard is a Windows CE tool used to create a Windows CE Operating System.
It allows for the selective inclusion of many different peripheral devices and other system
Other options may be desirable for the particular image build. This document merely
shows how to add the TSHARC driver component.
New Platform Wizard , Step 2 Bnani Suppufl Packages (BSPs) A ESP Catalog lemme ( DEE) ill: Ennlams the delaull Sal nl dEleE din/Eva that are added to your plalluvm when your plafluvm l5 vealed Available BSPs: l lARM INTEGRATOR Ap ARMV4l Salem one urmuve BSPsluryuur new plulturm l lEMULATOR >65 AESPluraVWndDws CE PC’stBd hardwals l llNTEL DBWZSD DEV PLATFORM ARM/4| YE'E'QWQ plafiuvm Th5 plaflnrm “393 “‘9 05 DNATIONAL GEODE xas based on the x86 umhllecmve. DSAMSUNG SMDKZ‘HD ARMV4l Male. Only asps suppurled by installed OPUS ‘ _'l are displayed in the list < back="" i="" next)="" i="" f="" ll="" m="" cancel="">
Board Support Package Selection
Figure 11: Board Support Package Selection Screen
Many different board support packages are available with the TSHARC controller.
While many CE systems seen are X86, please make sure the correct BSP for the image build is
Failure to include the correct BSP may result in a non-functioning image build.
New Platform W ard Step 3 PIuIIDnn Configuration A p‘afiorm cunflguvuuun dennee (he devauuwlndaws CE oeauues and avmluble upmns yau can salamlu Include m yam plaflmm r: Available aanfigunenana Selae lha planann aanfigunmian that must D.gna|Maana Raceway ”'"Se'yma‘ma‘yw'dw'm EnIEranE Temnal Pvuvldas Iha 51:an pnmflav an Indusmal Emenpnse Web Pad amamanan device such as a humarrmachina Gatewa interbae (HMI) pane‘ urapmgmmmable logic cannunen (PLC) IntEmEIAppllanEE IP Phone Mabnle Handhe‘d Mabnle Pnane saga” '3‘“ PIaMDvm name, Tiny Kernel Wmdows Tmn Chem TestEuwld Location r‘ Cusmm cunfiguvun‘un c \WINCE42U\PUE|LIC\TESIEulld E (Back | Next) | r-‘Inush | Canaan |
Design Templates
Figure 12: Platform Configuration Selection
Design templates are ready-configured system builds made available by Platform Builder. These
different configurations try to include the necessary dependencies and components for your
particular application.
The TSHARC driver has been verified using the “Industrial Controller” Design Template.
Other design templates may work, but the Industrial Controller configuration is strongly
New Platform Wizard 7 Step 4 Application 3 Media Selsdlhe appllcmlon and msdla uphons you wanna Include In your plafilmm Available features: E NET CUmpad Flamework An API to annual wuveluvm eudie inpm/empul E Cmsme Wmduw (IIO) dewees. Includes hardware and“: mlxal E DOOM “ppm E E InlEvnElEmwsEv M Mouse E NemorkUserlnrerlace E seamen: SDKlmWIndDws CE NET u m .«mJlu l— Wmduws lmemel SENlCES Esfimuled site allhese features: 2555 KB ( Back I Next) I finish Cancel
Application and Media Selection
Figure 13: Application and Media Selection
This screen allows for the addition of applications and media support to the OS build. This is
completely optional and dependent only on the individual project’s requirements.
TSHARC controllers do not require the addition of peripheral applications or media packages,
unless system beep is required. If beep is required, then Waveform Audio Support much be
New plalform wward Step 5 Nelwmking s Cnmmunicnlilms Seledlhs nelwmkmg and cummunlcallun uplmns you wanna lnclude m yum plallmm Avallabls lemmas W Agmupmwmumwaumemmes D Message Oueumg (MEMO) dispersed oval a velanvely llmnad am: and l l anx SENS, mnneded byacummunlmllunsllnklhul enables devloes to interact wllh each may on the u D Remms Desklup Cnnnanmn HEMDIK l7 l l SENEYS D Slmple Nelwmk Managemenlpmloml (SNMP w l l Unlvelsal Plug and PlawanP) u D WldEAleuNeMmkM/AN) Ll—l fl Estimated size mmese lemmas 2507 KB < back="" flnlsh="" cancel="" completing="" the="" new="" platform="" wizard="" you="" have="" successfully="" completed="" the="" new="" platform="" wizard.="" you="" have="" created="" and="" begun="" custamilatlon="" ofa="" baslc="" platlorm="" configuratlon="" build="" options:="" .="" mam="" debug="" vnvslnn="" mam="" emmy"="" :flavms="" mm="" cluses="" -="" bulldlhe="" leleasevelslun="" nlyuul="" elaflulm="" aflellhlswlzzld="" cluszs="" .="" mam="" the="" bulld="" agllans="" «m="" yam="" elaflmm="" :flavlhlswlzzm="" cluses="" (w="" w="" cm="">
Networking and Communications
Figure 14: Networking and Communications
If any additional support for networking or communications are required, please select them here.
Select “Next” to continue.
Completing Platform Builder Wizard
Figure 15: Completed Platform Wizard
Please select “Finish” to complete the Wizard.
Adding the TSHARC Catalog
Adding the TSHARC Device Driver as a catalog item is essential for correct driver
The TSHARC Driver Catalog can be found under Core OS, within the Display Base Devices.
Figure 16: Adding TSHARC Component
To include this catalog item, please right click the touch screen driver component to add to the
Windows CE image.
Please the left click the “Add to Platform” option.
Only one TSHARC interface component (Serial, PS2, USB) should be included in an OS
design at any given time. The TSHARC driver supports a single controller configuration.
6. Configuring TSHARC Controller
Changing the Number of Calibration Points
Method 1:
In "Platform Builder 4.2", click on the FileView tab
Double click on the appropriate registry file <WINCEROOT>\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK
o If Serial
o If PS/2
o If USB
Change the value of "CalType" appropriately
o For 3-point calibration, set value to "dword:3"
o For 4-point calibration, set value to "dword:4"
o For 7-point calibration, set value to "dword:7"
o For 20-point calibration, set value to "dword:14"
Rebuild and recreate run-time image.
Method 2:
Using a registry editor for the target device, change the “CalType” registry item located
within the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hampshire\CurrentVersion\CalType”
branch according to the following:
o For 3-point calibration, set value to "dword:3"
o For 4-point calibration, set value to "dword:4"
o For 7-point calibration, set value to "dword:7"
o For 20-point calibration, set value to "dword:14"
Browse to the “Windows” directory using Windows Explorer and double-click the shortcut
“TouchIOCTL”. This will cause current TSHARC driver to re-read and apply the new
registry settings.
Calibrating the Controller
Select the Start menu
Under the “Programs” group select “TSHARC Calibration”
Touch all targets with activator tip for at least a couple seconds each.
The points used for the calibration is determined by the “CalType” registry entry described in
section “Changing the Calibration Type” below.
If no shortcut is present under “Programs” group, a shortcut to the calibration application may be
found in under the “Windows” directory on the CE Device.
Windows CE Calibration Registry Entries
Calibration parameters are created by Hcecal after calibration and are stored in the registry under
the following key:
Upon boot, if the registry entries are not located, the driver defaults to a default un-calibrated
Enabling Right-Click Emulation
Method 1
In "Platform Builder 4.2", click on the “FileView” tab
Double click on the appropriate registry file <WINCEROOT>\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK
o If Serial
o If PS/2
o If USB
Remove the semi-colons (uncomment) from the last four lines of the file.
Rebuild and recreate run-time image.
Method 2
Using a registry editor for the target device, change the “xEventArea”, “yEventArea” and
“RightClickTime” registry items located within the
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hampshire\CurrentVersion\Global” branch
according to the description of what these values are responsible for in the next
Browse to the “Windows” directory using Windows Explorer and double-click the shortcut
“TouchIOCTL”. This will cause current TSHARC driver to re-read and apply the new
registry settings.
Configuring Right-Click Emulation
There are three entries that can be configured for right-click emulation found at
The "RightClickTime" is the time elapsed (measured in clock ticks) on a touch that is within an
area on the screen (the event area) before a right-click event is sent.
The "xEventArea" and "yEventArea" entries are horizontal and vertical components of the area
that a touch remains in for a time specified by "RightClickTime" before a right-click event is sent.
The Values for "xEventArea" and "yEventArea” entries can range from between 0x0000 and
The "xEventArea" and "yEventArea" are relative to the touch screen coordinates rather than the
screen coordinates.
To determine the values for xEventArea and yEventArea, the following formula may be used:
xEventArea = 65535 * (desired_event_area_width / width_of_touchscreen)
yEventArea = 65535 * (desired_event_area_height / height_of_touchscreen)
These values must be entered in hexadecimal for the Registry entry.
Disabling Right-Click Emulation
To disable Right-Click emulation, “RightClickTime” should have of value or zero, or the registry
entries “xEventArea”, “yEventArea”, and “RightClickTime” can be removed or kept absent from
the registry.
Changing Calibration Timeout Values
There are two timeout values that are adjustable in the registry that correspond to the timeout
value when first launching the calibration application (“CalTimeIn”) and the timeout value after
touching all of the calibration points(“CalTimeOut”). If the countdown timer for “CalTimeIn”
expires, the calibration application simply exits. If the counter for “CalTimeOut” expires then the
calibration application reverts the calibration settings to the previous settings. The default value
“CalTimeIn” is 15 seconds and the default value for “CalTimeOut” is 90 seconds.
Method 1:
In "Platform Builder 4.2", click on the “FileView” tab
Double click on the appropriate registry file <WINCEROOT>\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK
o If Serial
o If PS/2
o If USB
Add the following lines to the end of the file:
Rebuild and recreate run-time image.
Method 2:
Using a registry editor for the target device, change the “CalTimeIn”, “CalTimeOut”
registry items located within the
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hampshire\CurrentVersion\Global” branch
according to timeout value(s) that are desired.
Browse to the “Windows” directory using Windows Explorer and double-click the shortcut
“TouchIOCTL”. This will cause current TSHARC driver to re-read and apply the new
registry settings.
Configure Touch Beep
Method 1:
The following lines may be added to the "tsharcs.reg", "tsharcu.reg" or "tsharcp.reg" file.
The "Volume & Sounds" control panel applet uses the "PanelState" registry to store its settings.
If "usewincebeep"=1
This value is queried on touch-down and changes made in the control panel can be
observed immediately.
If the "usewincebeep"=2
This value is queried on touch up. Also, changes in the control panel applet will not be
observed until the second touch.
The follow entry is needed to make the option to configure taps in the "Volume & Sounds"
control panel applet visible:
Method 2
The Beep can also be configured using the Windows CE "Volume & Sounds" control panel
applet. To use this applet, set the "usewincebeep" entry to a DWORD value of one or two in the
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hampshire\CurrentVersion\Global" registry branch.
Enable/Disable Touch Beep
To enable the beep add the registry value "beepEnabled" and set it to one.
To disable the beep, exclude the "beepEnabled" registry value or set to zero.
Loud Beep
To make the beep loud, add the registry value "beepIsLoud" and set it to one.
Soft Beep
To make the beep soft, exclude the "beepIsLoud" registry value or set to zero.
Changing the mouse event stream rate
When the mouse cursor moves and changes state as a result of a touch, the TSHARC CE driver
sends a series of mouse events to the Windows CE event queue. If the mouse events are sent
too fast, other CE applications and background process may take longer to process their own
events while the touch screen is being touched. For this reason, a new feature has been added
to the TSHARC Serial and USB drivers to allow adjustment of the speed at which the driver
sends mouse events.
The default value is a minimum duration 16 clock ticks for every mouse packet (except for pen up
and pen down packets which are always processed immediately).
For slower embedded devices, it may be desirable to increase this value to decrease to rate at
which mouse packets are sent. For faster devices, it may be desirable to decrease this value to
increase the rate at which mouse packets are sent.
Method 1:
In "Platform Builder 4.2", click on the FileView tab
Double click on the appropriate registry file <WINCEROOT>\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK
o If Serial
o If PS/2
o If USB
Add the following lines:
Method 2:
Using a registry editor for the target device, add or change the “mouseMoveThreshold”,
registry item located within the
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hampshire\CurrentVersion\Global” branch to
the desired minimum duration length to be applied for every mouse stream packet.
Browse to the “Windows” directory using Windows Explorer and double-click the shortcut
“TouchIOCTL”. This will cause current TSHARC driver to re-read and apply the new
registry settings.
7. TSHARC Component Removal
Removing a TSHARC Driver Components from an OS Design
Click on the "FeatureView" tab.
Browse to "Device Drivers->Input Devices".
Right-click on the appropriate TSHARC component:
o If Serial, right-click on "Serial TSHARC Touch Screen Driver"
o If PS2, right-click on "PS/2 TSHARC Touch Screen Driver"
o If USB, right-click on "USB TSHARC Touch Screen Driver"
Left-click "Delete".
Removing TSHARC Driver Components from the Catalog
Open “Platform Builder” version 4.2.
Select “File->Manage Catalog Features…” from the applications menu system.
Click on “tsharc.cec” file from the list of catalog feature files.
Click on the “Remove” button.
Click on the “OK” button.
The TSHARC driver components are now removed from the Catalog.
To remove the TSHARC files as well, the directory
8. Additional Set-Up Notes
Adding shortcuts applications in an OS Design
To create a shortcut to the calibration utility, open the
copy and paste the contents of this file to the “project.dat” file for the current project.
Establish Communication with Target CE Device
To modify the registry, add a file, or to use any of Platform Builders tools on existing target CE
system, the ActiveSync tool is very necessary for making changes on a target CE device.
To connect via ActiveSync, there are multiple communication mechanisms available to connect to
the target device. Usually, the easiest way to communicate with the target device is to attach a
NULL modem cable between the CE device and other computer that is used for debugging,
download the latest ActiveSync application, and then in the windows directory of the CE device,
there is usually the executable file "repllog". Double-click this application from Windows Explorer
and the device will connect to the debugging computer.
For detailed instructions on different ways to communicate with a Windows CE, please see
Microsoft’s documentation.
Aygshell Component - Effect on Right-Click Emulation
Windows CE has a shell extension called "aygshell" that is meant to be used with touch screen.
If the touch screen is touched and held in the same region of the screen, black dots will appear
and a right click will occur in the same area that is being touch. The issue with using this is
component is that appears to be no way to disable this component once it has been included in
the CE target image. Also, this component conflicts with the right-click feature of the driver. To
remove this component, search for the "aygshell" component and remove this from the target
image. A clean build should then be done to ensure it is properly removed.
If this component is component is included in the target image, it may be configured as follows:
The "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GWE\Commctrl" registry subkey stores settings
that affect common controls.
UseLongDelayForGestures : DWORD
There is no default setting. This value controls the recognition delay used by
SHRecognizeGesture. If this value is set to 1, then the delay is 800 ms. Otherwise, the
delay is 400 ms There is no way to disable this feature.
Saving registry settings to Persistent Storage
After calibrating the touch screen controller the calibration registry settings are automatically
saved to the persistent storage if persistent storage is setup correctly on the CE device.
However, if the TSHARC registry settings are edited using a registry editor or third-party
application, the new registry settings may be saved using two methods.
Method 1:
Click “Start->Suspend” on the Windows CE target.
Method 2:
If changing the registry settings programmatically, call RegFlushKey() function in source
code after making registry modifications.
Troubleshooting TSHARC CE Driver
In some cases there may be conflicting devices or an invalid configuration on a target CE system.
In this case, it may be difficult to determine if the TSHARC driver is correctly being loaded.
To see if the TSHARC CE driver is being loaded and if there are any relevant messages being
outputted due to an invalid configuration, it is often useful to see the kernel debug output from the
target system.
Very often on Windows CE devices, there is a COM port available for kernel debugging. If there
is such a COM port, attach a NULL modem cable between the CE device and other computer
that is used for debugging. On the computer that is used for debugging, set the terminal
application to 38400-N-8-1. If there is a successful communication with the device, first output
from the boot loader will be seen followed by output from the CE operating system. There will be
kernel debug messages from the TSHARC driver if the target system is correctly configured.
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Microchip Technology Inc
9055 N. 51st Street Unit H
Brown Deer, WI 53223
Main Phone: 414-355-4675
Main Fax: 414-355-4775
Copyright Microchip Technology Inc 1996 – 2009
Microchip® and TSHARC™ are trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc
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