• Preferred Supplier

KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.


Advantages of Wide Terminal Chip Resistors
Advantages of Wide Terminal Chip Resistors
Comparing KOA’s Thin Film Resistors RN73 and RN73R
Comparing KOA's Thin Film Resistors RN73 and RN73R
Handling Pulse Power with Surface Mount Resistors
Handling Pulse Power with Surface Mount Resistors
Understanding RoHS and REACh Regulations
Understanding RoHS and REACh Regulations

关于 KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.

KOA Speer Electronics 是 KOA Corporation 旗下子公司,自 1980 年以来一直服务于电子行业。公司业务遍布全球,总部位于日本并在美国、德国、中国和新加坡设立了销售部。其产品各类广泛,包括厚膜电阻、薄膜电阻、电流检测电阻、绕线电阻、热传感器、保险丝、压敏电阻、LTCC 和模块。