Varitronix LCD Initialization Instructions Datasheet by Varitronix

Step By Step Initialization Flow Chart for HD44780 Based Alphanumeric LCD Modules. (These instructions are intended to help get up and running quickly. More detailed liming diagrams and instructions are available elsewhere.) .1“ ( ul- @ The Hitachi HD44780 is long gone. The Samsung KSOOEGU is currently on the way _ ' out. Sitronix ST1066 is one of the current clones. VL Electronics, Inc. .; 1-800-DlGl-KEY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) March 11, 2006 Th' to at' d' S-b't ' t' 4—bt' ' 'l b tth salas®VLE°om Is In nn lon Iscusses I communica Ion. I :5 Sim ar, u e upper . nlbble is sent first. lollowed by the lower nibble. The upper nibble of the function set Phone. (213) 738-8700 is mom to specify 4b“ operation. Use DBA —7, and leave DBD — 3 open. VARITRONIX Connect to all data and power lines of the LCD module. Typical connections: _ Table #1 1234-4567 8 91011121314 Gnd Vdd Vo RS R/w E DBO DB1 [>32 DB3 DB4 035 DB6 DB7 To reduce noise, it may be desirable to tie input only pins low with a resistor. (10kt) should work.) For llO pins, such as DB7, a smaller value is suggested (~47OQ). Ground (pin #1) is 0V and VDD (pin #2) is to be +5V. Allow >15ms for power to come up before applying power to pin #3 or sending data. Start with Vo (pin #3) at about 0V. The value of V0 is model and temperature dependent. At room temperature, "LV” modules may need about +0.5V, wide temp modules may require approximately —4V.) Pin #2 +5V For standard tern p, low voltage (LV) Varitronix A/N module 3 V0 modules: VEE = Gnd For wide temp, high voltage (HV) VEE modules: VEE = —5V 1 Gnd VDD — V0 = VLCD, the voltage used to drive the LCD. 50, decreasing V0 will increase VLCD. Enable or "E" (pin #6) starts low (0V). In this initialization table, suggested or common settings for variables are in Bold in the Notes column. Initialize modules per Table #2. For each instruction, configure the 10 pins shown. Then clock in the data/command by taking E from low to high and back low. Data is clocked on the falling edge of E. Once initialized you can readjust Vo (pin #3) for optimum contrast at the desired Viewing angle. Ra! h Sabral'f
Step By Step Initialization Flow Chart for HD44780 Based Alphanumeric LCD Modules. (These instructions are intended to help get up and running quickly. More detailed timing diagrams and instructions are available elsewhere.) “we-m», C'i' ' VL Electronics, Inc. Ilsoo-DIGI'KEY sales@VLE.cum Phone; (213) 733.5700 VARI‘I'IIONIX Table #2 INSTRUCTION RS RIW DB7 DBG DB5 DB4 DB3 DBZ DB1 DBO NOTES DL = 1 for? bit, 0 for 4 bit 1 FUNCTION * * N =1 for 16:1 mux, O for 8: or 1 1 :1 SET 0 0 0 0 1 D'- N 0 (See "Note” below.) [Wait >5ms after this] FUNCTION Hit “E" two more times. SET Same AS Above [Wait >100us after each time] CLEAR Clears DD RAM and LCD DISPLAY O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 [Wait >16ms after this] |/D = 1 for increment, 0 for ENTER decrement . . . MODE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 VB S S = 0 for no shift, 1 shifts display [Wait >40us after this & all subsequent] 1 is “ON", 0 is “OFF" DISPLAY D = “DISPLAY” ON/OFF ° ° 0 0 ° 0 1 D C B c = “CURSOR” B = "BLINK” the character WRITE _ . DATA 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? — ASCII character to display (‘7 = Does not matter Note: Most all other information sources related to A/N modules say this "N" value sets the number of “display lines” (rows of characters). Actually, this sets the number of lines the controller thinks there are. The numbers may not match: if the controller thinks there are two lines, the LCD might actually have 1, 2, 3, or4 rows of characters. The controller always thinks 16 level multiplex (a.k.a, 16:1 mux) LCDs have two lines and 8:1 or 11:1 mux LCDs have one line. March 11, 2006 Ralgh Sabraff
Step By Step Initialization Flow chart for HD44780 Based Alphanumeric LCD Modules. (These instructions are intended to help get up and running quickly. More detailed timing diagrams and instructions are available elsewhere.) M1,.» C” ‘ VL Electronics, Inc. v 1-800-DlGl-KEY salss®VLEicom Phone: (213) 73$8700 VARIrRomx OTHER HELPFUL INSTRUCTIONS: Table” INSTRUCTION RS R/W DB7 DB6 D35 DB4 DB3 D32 DB1 DBO NOTES S/C= 1moves the display, DE???" 0 o o 0 0 1 SIC R/L * * (moves the cursor R/L = 1 shifts right, 0 shifts left RETURN * Puts cursor at hex 00 location HOME 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 1 [Wait>16ms afterthis] SPECIFY CHARACTER 0 0 1 ’.7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ’? = DDRAM’S Hex location LOCATION » (*) = Does not matter Character locations: The driver/controller can control up to 80 characters. The LCD can be configured with up to 4 rows of characters, but the total (Rows x Columns) of characters cannot exceed 80. The controller maps all characters as if 2 rows of 40 characters were being displayed. The initial character maps (DDRAM Address Counter) for various configurations are depicted on the next page. (The “Shift" feature changes this.) Notice that for displays with four rows, rows 3 & 4 are continuations of1 & 2 respectively. March 11, 2006‘ Ralgh Sabroff
Step By Step Initialization Flow Chart for HD44780 Based Alphanumeric LCD Modules. (These instructions are intended to help get up and running quickly. More detailed timing diagrams and instructions are available elsewhere.) 3(’“ ‘.L I VL Eleclmnics, Inc. v ,, 1-800-DlGl-KEY sa'eS@V'-E‘C°m vuu‘momx Phone: (213) 738-8700 Character locations (continued): 40x2 Display 20x2 Display HIHHIHIHHHEEHEEBEIBEEEEEEEEHEIEBHBHEEEEE WWBBIHEEIBWEWWWWWEHEEEEHEHEHEIEBMIEEEHEH 20x4 Display 16x1 Display 16x4 Display (for a 16:1 multiplex version) EEIBIHIIIHHEEEEEHEBH IIHHHEHEIEIEBEHE EEEIEEHIIIEIBIEEHBBE EIEEHIBEEHEEHEEEEEIB EEBBWWBHBIHBWWwwflHHH This is the path the Increment feature follows. (It will ‘jump’ automatically from 27H to 40H, and from 67H back to 00H. March 11, 2006 Ralph Sabrofi
3 ' Step By Step Initialization Flow Chart for HD44780 Based Alphanumeric LCD Modules. (These instructions are intended to help get up and running quickly. More detailed timing diagrams and instructions are available elsewhere) L '1’ IL . ( . ‘ VL Electronics, Inc. 1-800-DlGl-KEY VARITRONIX Phone: (213) 738-8700 Special Characters (CGRAM): Table #4 INSTRUCTION RS RIW DB7 DBG DB5 DB4 DBS DB2 DB1 DBO NOTES SET DDRAM * Specify Hex 00 thru 07: location for LOCATION 0 O 0 0 0 ? 7 ? 7 special character in CGRAM If you start with Hex 4D, the address SET CGRAM O 0 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? counter will automaticall increment CREATE 1 D * * * Correlates to the pixels in row #1: PATTERN 1 = “ON" lxel, 0 = "OFF" ixel CREATE 1 0 * * * Correlates to the pixels in row #2: PATTERN 1 = "ON” ixel, 0 = “OFF" oixel CREATE 1 0 * * * Correlates to the pixels in row #3: PATTERN 1 = “ON" ixel, 0 = “OFF" pixel CREATE 1 0 it it * Correlates to the pixels in row #4: PATTERN 1 = “ON” pixel, 0 = “OFF” ixel CREATE 1 0 , * * Correlates to the pixels in row #5: PATTERN 1 = “ON" pixel, 0 = "OFF“ pixel CREATE 1 0 * * * Correlates to the pixels in row #6: PATTERN 1 = “ON" pixel, 0 = “OFF" pixel CREATE 1 0 * ,, ,, Correlates to the pixels in row #7: PATTERN 1 = “0N” nixel, 0 = “OFF” pixel i") = Does not matter VL EIactmnlcs, Inc. 3250 Vllils'hr'ra Blvd, 3139 1901 Lo: Wales, CA 900117 Phone: (mi 73943700 FAX: (215) m-sm SalesQVLEcom www.mnmnix.m March 11, 2006 , Ralph Sabrofl'