WD2 Datasheet by Apex Tool Group

Desired Seitigfuncfion Chmnel Selmd with Channel 0N0” Comm Value Up 00m Wills Down Tampemure Sm: Wilh saoil Kay: Wiih Radio Bumn PleSeis Charu‘ng Radio Button Pie-Set Values Selecting Menu 1 Menu Navigate" Sefllno Value for Menu lm SYANDEY (mmre) Quick Reference WDZ / 2M Stations 2006 Models 0 rati uenee r11,ri-ii-lii1,orr21 A + v (Dcpmsimilluneouslyamdieleue) A (Scmll to new villln) V (Snmllio newvulue) A a: use Poinl displayed for3 secondx) eA m V(Scmll in new Vuiue) A or um channel Ind/oi mnemily depress Up or Down Semil key _ Pie-Sens displayed lie: 3 s) rl'll'lll-l (Depmmdiabunen rl' -iii1—l>lesasliiipieyeliful3 s) r1 1 ,rI-II~III1, el- r21 (Mommy depress Rniiu aullnn indiceling desired Pie—Sel leinpeumue value) A at use“: eheunei e, A in Vilmil mm m Pie-Setvflu: i: indicated in large displAy) r1 1 . rl'll'lll1. or r 2 1 (to assign value depress Ind hold denied Radio sullen unlil Pie-Sci Display stops blinking A + V (Select file duiled dismal éDepmss AVsimulumconsly and [laid flat (2) Seconds. Release when “1" appears in display.) r11-mwwsmlflmm) rHI-III1 - Falwm! (next Ilull in menu) r21 -Exitmenuandenlarallnewvaiuesinmmsmmy Aorv 2D (980360 (3 ) SETBACK (lime - min) ii mln (lieleuil- Selbeck off): 'On" (continued lo slandby temp» when tool placed In step and Go stand); i-99mln (SETBACK On to a specific time sailings) AUYO OFF (lime - min) 0 mln (delaun — Aulo olfsultohed on); 1—999mln (specific lime semngs) OFFSET (empelelure) ¢IV7Z°F (40°C) WINDOW (lempelamre) +1-1eo°i=l9e°0) - Heliuiselling abiwe and nail new looked E9 'F I ‘c (unii oi measure) “F/°c - Up or Down Scmii key will We unil of measure LOCK 'On‘l‘Off' — code seleciabie 1—999. For loal codes, in Menu 1 depress and hold R51 for 9—digii number in Pre-Sei area of dlsplay Swing Mulu 2 A + V (Select the wired channel =>Depms AVSimnlmneously and hell! [01(4) Smuds. Release whm “2" maize iulile display.) Snechl Fmdions Menu: ‘ ngeoiwuea ‘ ’ __ ID 0-999 (For use wiih USB and software identifilafion) FCC (Fadery Control Chadd VLaw 212°i=lloo°ci A High 842°F<450°ci -="" orient="" pal;="" meeeuremenl="" readlng="" of="" exlernei="" inelnlmenl="" +1.="" 72°f(40="" a)="" -="" r52="" in="" emeroflsel="" value="" —-="" r5310="" exit="" and="" save="">
/‘ s’F ( 5‘C )l 1” STANDBY tempetatute mist be below the Set temperature. otherwise the SETBACK flirtation '3 inactive. 3” When a slimming holder Is connected. the soldering wot always remains at the Set temperature outside the holder. The holderiunctioh is activated when the soldering tool Is placed In the holder for the first little. Nelle meet or STANDBY mdAUTO OFF modes: — rimming hatter, by deeming the UP or DOWN Saul Keys. - with winning holder, by ramming the soldering tool horn the holder. Minimum/Maximum Setfigs: Porter WDZIWDZM 1mm (Zlmepmdnmdtmmlswifltsimullxleuus ODEWMIWWIM 160 watts) Tool Temperature WSF150 & WP12D deeflm inns 150'F —950‘F (5WC - 550'5) deBflng Tools 1 So‘F - BSO'F (50": - 450"?)
(,7 .) Defirsd SemmFumiion Chnnnd Sshdm wilh channel Onion Quick Reference WD2 / 2M Stations Operating Sguence r11.r1-21.or r21 A + v (Depress simnlveneuusly and mum) camel Value Up MIDI Value Dawn Temperamre Selling: wnh and Keys Wiih Rwio Buimn Pre-Sdls Changlng Radlo Elmo" Preset Vaiues Seleciinn Menu 1 Menu Navigaflon Selling Vdua for Menu Items STANDBY (lampelelure) A (Sm)! to new value) 7 (Scroll l0 newvalue) A or '(Setl’oint displayed for 3 seconds) 6A or V(Scmll 1» new Value) A or V(Sel=ct enunnel and/armnmanmflly depress Up or Down Scroll key- Pia-sue displyyed m3 5) r1 1 , r 1-21 . or r2 -. (Mdmedierily depms Radio Button indicating dashed Pm-Scl Icmvcrfllur: value) A Ol' V(Select channd : A or Vlmlil desired newnesmvilue is imiieeled in large display) r 1 mr 1-2 1. or r21massignvaluedepressandholddesixedlzndinsmmnimlilmsamsplzymps blinking) A + v (Select me denied aim-ml $Dcpreas AVsimulieneonsly and hold fix (2) Semds. Release Men “1“ appears in display) r11 -Backwaxd(llexlfleminmefl|l) 1-1-21 -Folwald(prevluusllsmlnmaml) r21 -Ethenuald amoral! neuvalueslnlo memory AmV 200 F(93 0 son F(316 c) SEI'BACK (time - mln) 0 min (defaulk- Selbam Off); “On' (eonlrolled (a standby camp. when incl placed in sun; and Go slend); 199mm (SETBACK On to specific lime selflngs) AUTO OFF (time - min) 0 rrlin (default - Auto ufl' swiichsd oil); 1-999mln (specific llme settings) OFFSEI' (temperamre) +1-72°F (40°C) wmuow (lempemmre) +1-1ao°F(9e°0) - Halief sening above and half belvw locked lamp “Fl '0 (unit of measure) °FI°C - Up nr Down Scroll key will kills unil of measure LOCK "On"r0fl"—ocde selectable 1-699. Fm lust codes, In Menu 1 G] depnaee and hold R31 lor Bdigil number in Pre-Se’t area cl dlsplay Salacfing Menu 2 A + V (Select the dulled {flannel ¢Dcpmis AVsimuluneuusly and hold for (4) Seconds, Release whcn"2" eppeus in we display.) Snead Fund-inns Menu 2 Range 0f Values ID 0895 (Far use with USB and software idenlifieaiion) FCC (Fedory Control Cheek) VLaw 212“F(1oo°c) A High 842°F(450°C) — Oflsst per measurement reeding oi exiemal inslmmenl +r- 72°F(40°0) — R52 in enter ofissl value — R3310 exit and save
To LoekSEflcn (Fm!!! Wh Menu 1) WSWA or V-fi r21 Saoflmdesiredoodeflbcmm RESfm'S sees Milnlil largedisplnyslvpsblinldng Ta Urloek Siaiim (Flam W In Menu 1) Code Mm A or Va r21 Scroll to cnde QM: code is filmed. depras RES mommyw annex, mil, unlock Factory Regal (From Menu 1“ 2)’ r 2 1 lid HDld A+ V(Deplus and hold R33 then Up and Down Scroll keys silnultanmusly. Rele flime keys when “peer appeals in d’splay.) ‘FworyRcsfl can be performed finm any/Menu 1 filncfim‘l an my channel. It reset all Menu l 311dele 2 flnwfiane {or all channels to {my default Values. Udall no! reset mnpemme 0mm: previously entered in the Menuz FCC filllcflon fin! any channel. Factory RM fiom Menu! canonly be pctfmmed finm lheFCC filnmjon of any channel. It specifically lesels FCC funcfinn oflse's [cl all channels to factory default values and does muffle! (mm Menu 1 DIME!“ 2 functions. Setback and Auto Off Setlinfi: o Soldering tool remains al die Set eoidering temperalure. ON 0 m Soldering tool Is switched ofiwhsn not In use" alter lhe OFF time has elapsed. 0N “me o Soldering ml ls controlled down when ml in use” to the STANDBY lemperehrrefl after me SErBACK time has elapsed. Tm 11m 8 Soldsflng tool ls controlled down when no! in use“ to his STANDBY iernoerntureZl afar the SETBACK lime has ei sed and is swrtdred oilelter the OFF lime has ela sod. o o oldering is swilched off in the hold . ON 0 Soldering tool is oonlrolisd lo the STANDBY temgsialursz’ when in the merm- 0 Time Soldeling loci ls swiiched off ailer lhe OFF tin-re has elapsed when in the hoider’l- ON Time Soldering loci ‘e conlrolied no line STANDBY temperature?! and is emrohsd oil alter the OFF time has elapsed when in ihe holder”- Soiderlng loci is ooniroiied lo ihe STANDBY temperature!) ailertha SETBACK lime has elapsed when in Time 0 the holder” Time Time Soldering tool is ocntroiied to die STANDBY iemperature” aflerihe SETBACK rims has elapsed and is switched oileiierdre OFF lime has elansed when in the holder” 1) Not in use = UPIDOWN Scroll Keys ml depressed and no hemperelure drop > 9'F ( 5°C ). ’1 STANDBY temperature must be below lire Set lemperahrre. olherwise the SETBACK lunelicn is inacll've. 3) When a switching hulder Is connected. the soldering loci awvays Temalns at me Set temperature outside the holder. The holder lunciion is eclivaied when the soldering iooi is placed in the holder for the firslfime. Note Rae! oi STANDBY and AUTO OFF modes: — withoul antenna holder. by Mia lhe UP or DOWN Scroll Keys. , with switching holder. by removing lire soldering iooi from ihe holder. M nlmumlMaxlmum Settings: Power WD2 I WD2M lso wells (2 independent channels with simultanemre operation oiz lools holding 160 watts) Tool Temperature WSP150 & WP120 Soldaing irons 150"F —950'F (5m: — sso'cl Soldering Tools 15w —B€O“F (5er — 450%)