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Solution InstaSPIN-BLDC Slide 6
Shown here is how InstaSPIN-BLDC addresses some of the issues that were brought up in the previous slide. Before covering that, the question must be asked, what is InstaSPIN-BLDC? Well, to put it simply, it is basically a software method to perform sensorless commutation on three-phase BLDC motors. There are three distinct advantages that are worth mentioning at this point. First of all, it enables very quick commissioning of the motor. Meaning that, in most cases the programmer can get the motor spinning very quickly with minimal adjustments required. The second advantage is very robust control, even at low speeds, because it is not actually measuring something on the back-EMF signal. The designer is creating another signal which has better characteristics at low speed. The final advantage is it has an exceptional ability to ride through velocity perturbations. So, as the speed is changing, one can detect it immediately because the signal is being measured in real time that is affected by changes in the speed. Something else to point out is how many processor pins are required to implement InstaSPIN. In a minimal implementation of InstaSPIN-BLDC, only 9 signals are basically needed. That would be 6 signals for PWM or perhaps only 3 PWMs if one is driving a device that has its own dead-time circuitry and 3 signals for A to D inputs which actually measure divided down versions of the phase voltages of the motor.
PTM Published on: 2013-01-24