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Solution InstaSPIN-BLDC Slide 17
To get more information on the hardware kits associated with InstaSPIN-BLDC or to download the InstaSPIN-BLDC software and the associated GUI interface, simply visit the controlSUITE website as shown here and download controlSUITE. ControlSUITE is an application that runs on the pc and provides a convenient way to access TI’s reference designs and applications information. Once controlSUITE is installed on the computer, simply click the application icon and this will launch controlSUITE. Once the application is launched, simply go to kits, and then select DRV8312 C2-KIT Low Current three-phase BLDC/PMSM or the DRV8301 instead. Either way, however, this will take the customer to the InstaSPIN-BLDC controlSUITE reference page and from here, one can get more information on the hardware kits and also access to the InstaSPIN-BLDC software.
PTM Published on: 2013-01-24