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Image of ECS Inc Dielectric Ceramic Filters - Specs Enlarge

Shown here are the electrical characteristics that define the filter frequency band and performance. Shown in the chart on the left are the main key terms. Those terms are also represented in the graph on the right. The center frequency is the mid-point of the passband (marker 1). The bandwidth of a filter is the passband of the filter shown here between markers 2 and 3. Insertion loss is the loss of dB’s seen by the signal in the determined bandwidth or passband. A ripple is the variation of insertion loss in the passband. Return loss is the fraction of power reflected back due to mismatch of the filter to the transmission line. The input power of a filter is the maximum recommended power at the input of the filter. Impedance is the matching of ohms to be compatible to the ICs that the filters will be used with. These filters are normally matched to 50 Ω so they are compatible to the IC’s and transmissions lines.

PTM Published on: 2023-05-15