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Studio Development Environment Overview Part 1 Slide 13
After the device has been programmed, the user will want to enter debug mode to have a look inside the code. Selecting “Enter debug and break” from the Debug menu does this, and pauses at the first line of the main() function. All of the common debug functions are now available from the taskbar, and most have keyboard shortcuts, too. The user can run, break, step over, step into, reset and so on. Additional breakpoints and variable watches can be added. Meanwhile, Atmel Studio shows all relevant information about memories and peripherals in carefully laid out views. Look at this IO view and the memory view. As shown here, all register settings are presented as both naked bit fields and formatted with text that makes immediate sense to a developer. This lets the designer easily confirm whether the code is doing what it is intended it to do. Note how easy it is to understand which mode a particular peripheral is in, with all register settings presented both as naked bit fields and formatted with text that makes immediate sense to a developer. Again, these views make development with Microchip microcontrollers easier, and let users easily confirm that the code is behaving the way it is intended and expected it to behave. To test the code’s response, the user may also manipulate the I/O bits directly. This is done by either clicking on the bits, or by typing in values directly.
PTM Published on: 2012-11-26