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- adafruit learning system fl; BHPZBO o ressure Sensor
Adafruit BMP280 Barometric Pressure + Temperature
Sensor Breakout
Created by lady ada
Last updated on 2020-07-13 11:00:11 AM EDT
:2- adafruit learning system .mrggggaw 5? 7‘15, I :
Bosch has stepped up their game with their new BMP280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature,
barometric pressure that is the next generation upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183. This sensor is great for all
sorts of weather sensing and can even be used in both I2C and SPI!
This precision sensor from Bosch is the best low-cost, precision sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure
with ±1 hPa absolute accuracy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Because pressure changes with altitude, and the
pressure measurements are so good, you can also use it as an altimeter with ±1 meter accuracy.
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The BMP280 is the next-generation of sensors from Bosch, and is the upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183 - with
a low altitude noise of 0.25m and the same fast conversion time. It has the same specifications, but can use either I2C
or SPI. For simple easy wiring, go with I2C. If you want to connect a bunch of sensors without worrying about I2C
address collisions, go with SPI.
Nice sensor right? So we made it easy for you to get right into your next project. The surface-mount sensor is soldered
onto a custom made PCB in the STEMMA QT form factor (, making them easy to interface with.
The STEMMA QT connectors ( on either side are compatible with the SparkFun
Qwiic ( I2C connectors. This allows you to make solderless connections between your
development board and the BMP280 or to chain it with a wide range of other sensors and accessories using
a compatible cable ( We’ve of course broken out all the pins to standard headers and added a
voltage regulator and level shifting so allow you to use it with either 3.3V or 5V systems such as the Metro M4 or
Arduino Uno respectively.
We even wrote up a nice tutorial with wiring diagrams, schematics, libraries and examples to get you running in 10
minutes! Make sure to check the tutorial for example code for Arduino and CircuitPython, pinouts, assembly, wiring,
downloads, and more! (
There are two versions of this board - the STEMMA QT version shown above, and the original header-only
version shown below. Code works the same on both!
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Q Bnpzea Q Pressure & r Temp $enso Maw - Ikgl“; k E k .,._ [H.15— \ ; um 6N0 soc 00000060 300 SCK SDI
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* adafruit learning system Bnpzse '. E§E Q Bmpzaa Pressure & r y. Temp Sense '9?!ij . E: E 6ND $00 300 sex 501”
Power Pins:
Vin - this is the power pin. Since the sensor chip uses 3 VDC, we have included a voltage regulator on board that
will take 3-5VDC and safely convert it down. To power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of
your microcontroller - e.g. for a 5V micro like Arduino, use 5V
3Vo - this is the 3.3V output from the voltage regulator, you can grab up to 100mA from this if you like
GND - common ground for power and logic
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SPI Logic pins:
All pins going into the breakout have level shifting circuitry to make them 3-5V logic level safe. Use whatever logic
level is on Vin!
SCK - This is the SPI Clock pin, its an input to the chip
SDO - this is the Serial Data Out / Microcontroller In Sensor Out pin, for data sent from the BMP280 to your
SDI - this is the Serial Data In / Microcontroller Out Sensor In pin, for data sent from your processor to the
CS - this is the Chip Select pin, drop it low to start an SPI transaction. Its an input to the chip
If you want to connect multiple BMP280's to one microcontroller, have them share the SDI, SDO and SCK pins. Then
assign each one a unique CS pin.
I2C Logic pins:
SCK - this is
the I2C clock pin (SCL), connect to your microcontroller's I2C clock line.
SDI - this is
the I2C data pin (SDA), connect to your microcontroller's I2C data line.
Leave the other pins disconnected
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Prepare the header strip:
Cut the strip to length if necessary. It will be easier to
solder if you insert it into a breadboard - long pins down
The assembly pix use the BME280 but it is identically shaped/sized as the BMP280
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Add the breakout board:
Place the breakout board over the pins so that the short
pins poke through the breakout pads
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:- :nanazgnz nu
And Solder!
Be sure to solder all pins for reliable electrical contact.
(For tips on soldering, be sure to check out our Guide to
Excellent Soldering
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I I I I I I l I I I I I © enzzee I I I I “L’QTfiESm I I ' I firm: .3 E__ *- J I I! "J" IIrI_;L 3;“: J um BNO _ 500 f; {III} ”.13 1 (1‘, ’3Uo SCK‘ SDI
You're done! Check your solder joints visually and
continue onto the next steps
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* adafrult learning system
You can easily wire this breakout to any microcontroller, we'll be using an Arduino. For another kind of microcontroller,
as long as you have 4 available pins it is possible to 'bit-bang SPI' or you can use two I2C pins, but usually those pins
are fixed in hardware. Just check out the library, then port the code.
I2C Wiring
Use this wiring if you want to connect via I2C interface
Connect Vin (red wire on STEMMA version) to the
power supply, 3-5V is fine. Use the same voltage
that the microcontroller logic is based off of. For
most Arduinos, that is 5V
Connect GND (black wire on STEMMA version) to
common power/data ground
Connect the SCK (yellow wire on STEMMA
version) pin to the I2C clock SCL pin on your
Arduino. On an UNO & '328 based Arduino, this is
also known as A5, on a Mega it is also known as
digital 21 and on a Leonardo/Micro, digital 3
Connect the SDI (blue wire on STEMMA version)
pin to the I2C data SDA pin on your Arduino. On
an UNO & '328 based Arduino, this is also known
as A4, on a Mega it is also known as digital 20
and on a Leonardo/Micro, digital 2
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SPI Wiring
Since this is a SPI-capable sensor, we can use hardware or 'software' SPI. To make wiring identical on all Arduinos,
we'll begin with 'software' SPI. The following pins should be used:
Connect Vin to the power supply, 3V or 5V is fine.
Use the same voltage that the microcontroller
logic is based off of. For most Arduinos, that is 5V
Connect GND to common power/data ground
Connect the SCK pin to Digital #13 but any pin can
be used later
Connect the SDO pin to Digital #12 but any pin
can be used later
Connect the SDI pin to Digital #11 but any pin can
be used later
Connect the CS pin Digital #10 but any pin can be
used later
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Fl: w Tools Help Vaiiy/Cnmpik 0.1.x Upload cow “2m“ Upload Using Progummu cm~sm+u u Benn noon compiled aim-y cwlws Manage Librarits.‘ Add zlv Library... In a, ' llnclud MSW“. paw” cm~x Ardumo “mug, I :mcm" lndudelihnry ArdulnoanCllun ”dud M, “I,“ AvdullmSound ,r/ we 11gb one plxal a: a (In, mu is on 2'17”“ {room AI v mmmz no: in manna may by m v-sion m2 msuuzn Arm-Irvin! mm” Ndulna Ilhmrv [or sumo mm and akin-dc sol-sens. Mon ln6o a o levary Manner w A" room All a my." 3m. mm. Innis-rm" o, mm M M m 1 "sumo momma-“m... ammo.» DIM mm. A mm mm mom. um m try my Adam”. gm Hawk; mm
Later on, once we get it working, we can adjust the library to use hardware SPI if you desire, or change the pins to
Download Adafruit_BMP280 library
To begin reading sensor data, you will need to install the Adafruit_BMP280 library (code on our github
repository) ( It is available from the Arduino library manager so we recommend using that.
From the IDE open up the library manager...
And type in adafruit bmp280 to locate the library. Click Install
You'll also need to install the Adafruit Unified Sensor library
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (
Load Demo
Open up File->Examples->Adafruit_BMP280->bmp280test and upload to your Arduino wired up to the sensor
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@bmflwmmssr ' ' ' Mum.“ mm W , a.“ a” , ’ W 5.“ ms 5.“. mm 7 B , m." warms)“ wmmm mm, m :l mass"; mama “film W a“ my...” , WWW , Mm: mm mm , m (M Mum , 2’: Suxnhegxnwfium: Afln‘fagfimafl-d ’ 24 Seual.pununu-‘L"Emian ten") Adi-11w r ,g WWW,“ 4 , ”mm , 27 Sena). un 1n "mum nu hr 7 7 Lk '11:) ‘" 25 "hm K; ‘ ‘ “ Mimi“ ' ""
Depending on whether you are using I2C or SPI, change the pin names and comment or uncomment the following
#define BMP_SCK 13
#define BMP_MISO 12
#define BMP_MOSI 11
#define BMP_CS 10
Adafruit_BMP280 bmp; // I2C
//Adafruit_BMP280 bmp(BMP_CS); // hardware SPI
//Adafruit_BMP280 bmp(BMP_CS, BMP_MOSI, BMP_MISO, BMP_SCK);
Once uploaded to your Arduino, open up the serial console at 9600 baud speed to see data being printed out
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man an Taper-cm = 25.5: -c mum - 100935.02 Pa 1mm alum: = 32.52 I: renter-cure = 25.5: .c mum-n - mn921.u p. Emmi: altitude = 32.3: n rapeuuue - 25.5: -c mam = 1nn5:s.zs m lppm mum-d: - 32.19 .- rapt-cum - 15.65 «c mam = 100935.53 Pa Appm nun-a: _ :2.“ n Inner-cm = 25.91 -c mam - 10169L37 Pa Mm alum-d: 731.1" n
Temperature is calculated in degrees C, you can convert this to F by using the classic F = C * 9/5 + 32 equation.
Pressure is returned in the SI units of Pascals. 100 Pascals = 1 hPa = 1 millibar. Often times barometric pressure is
reported in millibar or inches-mercury. For future reference 1 pascal =0.000295333727 inches of mercury, or 1 inch Hg
= 3386.39 Pascal. So if you take the pascal value of say 100734 and divide by 3389.39 you'll get 29.72 inches-Hg.
You can also calculate Altitude. However, you can only really do a good accurate job of calculating altitude if you
know the hPa pressure at sea level for your location and day! The sensor is quite precise but if you do not have the
data updated for the current day then it can be difficult to get more accurate than 10 meters.
Library Reference
You can start out by creating a BMP280 object with either software SPI (where all four pins can be any I/O) using
Or you can use hardware SPI. With hardware SPI you
use the hardware SPI pins for your Arduino - and each
arduino type has different pins! Check the SPI reference to see what pins to use. (
In this case, you can use any CS pin, but the other three pins are fixed
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Adafruit_BMP280 bmp(BMP_CS); // hardware SPI
or I2C using the default I2C bus, no pins are assigned
Adafruit_BMP280 bmp; // I2C
Once started, you can initialize the sensor with
if (!bmp.begin()) {
Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP280 sensor, check wiring!");
while (1);
begin() will return True if the sensor was found, and False if not. If you get a False value back, check your wiring!
Reading temperature and pressure is easy, just call:
Temperature is always a floating point, in Centigrade. Pressure is a 32 bit integer with the pressure in Pascals. You
may need to convert to a different value to match it with your weather report.
It's also possible to turn the BMP280 into an altimeter. If you know the pressure at sea level, the library can calculate
the current barometric pressure into altitude
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Python & CircuitPython
It's easy to use the BMP280 sensor with CircuitPython and the Adafruit CircuitPython
BMP280 ( module. This module allows you to easily write Python code that reads the temperature
and pressure from the sensor.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board or with a computer that has GPIO and
Python thanks to Adafruit_Blinka, our CircuitPython-for-Python compatibility library (
CircuitPython Microcontroller Wiring
First wire up a BMP280 to your board exactly as shown on the previous pages for Arduino. You can use either I2C or
SPI wiring, although it's recommended to use I2C for simplicity. Here's an example of wiring a Feather to the sensor
with I2C:
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Board 3V to sensor VIN (red wire on STEMMA
Board GND to sensor GND (black wire on
STEMMA version)
Board SCL to sensor SCK (yellow wire on
STEMMA version)
Board SDA to sensor SDI (blue wire on STEMMA
And an example of a Feather M0 wired with hardware SPI:
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Board 3V to sensor VIN
Board GND to sensor GND
Board SCK to sensor SCK
Board MOSI to sensor SDI
Board MISO to sensor SDO
Board D5 to sensor CS (or use any other free
digital I/O pin)
Python Computer Wiring
Since there's
of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for Raspberry Pi. For other
platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to see whether your platform is
supported (
Here's the Raspberry Pi wired with I2C:
Pi 3V3 to sensor VIN (red wire on STEMMA
Pi GND to sensor GND (black wire on STEMMA
Pi SCL to sensor SCK (yellow wire on STEMMA
Pi SDA to sensor SDI (blue wire on STEMMA
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And an example on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B wired with SPI:
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no... fin; «g
Pi 3V3 to sensor VIN
Pi GND to sensor GND
Pi MOSI to sensor SDI
Pi MISO to sensor SDO
Pi SCLK to sensor SCK
Pi #5 to sensor CS (or use any other free GPIO
CircuitPython Installation of BMP280 Library
You'll need to install the Adafruit CircuitPython BMP280 ( library on your CircuitPython board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython ( for your board.
Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use the hardware--carefully follow the steps to find and install these
libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle ( Our CircuitPython starter guide has a great
page on how to install the library bundle (
For non-express boards like the Trinket M0 or Gemma M0, you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries from
the bundle:
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Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has the adafruit_bmp280.mpy, and
adafruit_bus_device files and folders copied over.
Next connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the CircuitPython >>> prompt.
Python Installation of BMP280 Library
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython support in Python. This may also
require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different,
and Linux changes often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer
ready (!
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-bmp280
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure you aren't trying to use
CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
CircuitPython & Python Usage
To demonstrate the usage of the sensor we'll initialize it and read the temperature, humidity, and more from the
board's Python REPL.
If you're using an I2C connection run the following code to import the necessary modules and initialize the I2C
connection with the sensor:
import board
import busio
import adafruit_bmp280
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
sensor = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_I2C(i2c)
Or if you're using a SPI connection run this code instead to setup the SPI connection and sensor:
import board
import busio
import digitalio
import adafruit_bmp280
spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO)
cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5)
sensor = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_SPI(spi, cs)
Now you're ready to read values from the sensor using any of these properties:
temperature - The sensor temperature in degrees Celsius.
pressure - The pressure in hPa.
altitude - The altitude in meters.
For example to print temperature and pressure:
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Q coMu » PuITV M
print('Temperature: {} degrees C'.format(sensor.temperature))
print('Pressure: {}hPa'.format(sensor.pressure))
For altitude you'll want to set the pressure at sea level for your location to get the most accurate measure (remember
these sensors can only infer altitude based on pressure and need a set calibration point). Look at your local weather
report for a pressure at sea level reading and set the seaLevelhPA property:
sensor.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25
Then read the altitude property for a more accurate altitude reading (but remember this altitude will fluctuate based on
atmospheric pressure changes!):
print('Altitude: {} meters'.format(sensor.altitude))
That's all there is to using the BMP280 sensor with CircuitPython!
Here's a starting example that will print out the temperature, pressure and altitude every 2 seconds:
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"""Simpletest Example that shows how to get temperature,
pressure, and altitude readings from a BMP280"""
import time
import board
# import digitalio # For use with SPI
import busio
import adafruit_bmp280
# Create library object using our Bus I2C port
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
bmp280 = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_I2C(i2c)
# OR create library object using our Bus SPI port
# spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO)
# bmp_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D10)
# bmp280 = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_SPI(spi, bmp_cs)
# change this to match the location's pressure (hPa) at sea level
bmp280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25
while True:
print("\nTemperature: %0.1f C" % bmp280.temperature)
print("Pressure: %0.1f hPa" % bmp280.pressure)
print("Altitude = %0.2f meters" % bmp280.altitude)
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* adafruit learning system
Python Docs
Python Docs (
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* adafruit learning system
How come the altitude calculation is wrong? Is my sensor broken?
No, your sensor is likely just fine. The altitude calculation depends on knowing the barometric pressure at sea level
If you do not set the correct sea level pressure for your location FOR THE CURRENT DAY it will not be able to
calculate the altitude accurately
Barometric pressure at sea level changes daily based on the weather!
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If I have long delays between reads, the first data read seems wrong?
The BMx280 'saves' the last reading in memory for you to query. Just read twice in a row and toss out the first
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* adafruit learning system
Datasheet for the BMP280 sensor used in the breakout (
Arduino BMP280 Driver (
Fritzing object in the Adafruit Fritzing Library (
EagleCAD PCB files on GitHub (
Schematic - STEMMA QT version
Fab Print - STEMMA QT version
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Schematic - Original version
Click to enlarge. BMP280 shares the same package & pinout as the BME280 so the schematic is the same
Fab Print - Original version
In inches. BMP280 shares the same package & pinout as the BME280 so the layout is the same
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