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What are EMI Filters?
What are EMI Filters?
Learn why covers are often needed for microstrip RF/Microwave filters
Learn why covers are often needed for microstrip RF/Microwave filters
How Do You Achieve the Q Needed for Low Insertion Loss?
How Do You Achieve the Q Needed for Low Insertion Loss?
High-Q S/C Band Filters
High-Q SC Band Filters

近期 PTM

10 minutes
KN1 Reference Design Wireless Earphones
This presentation will introduce the KN1 hybrid TWS earphones from Knowles and go over the key features of the reference design.
3 minutes
FlexiCap Multilayer Capacitor
FlexiCap helps prevent the stress of bending and thermal expansion/contraction.
5 minutes
Microphone Interfaces
Digital microphones provide an upside to end applications and enable intelligent audio solutions with the introduction of Knowles’ multi-mode microphones.
5 minutes
Using Dynamic Speakers and Balanced Armature Drivers in In-Ear Wearables
DigiKey, Knowles, PTM, tutorial, speakers, drivers, armature driver, in-ear wearable.
10 minutes
Measuring Frequency Response of Balanced Armature Drivers and Earphones
General characteristics of different measurement methods, the advantages and limitations of each, and trying to understand an earphone’s frequency response.
5 minutes
Ultrasonic Applications for Knowles Electret and MEMS Microphones
This tutorial will discuss the general characteristics of certain Knowles microphones in the ultrasonic band.

关于 Knowles

1946 年以来,Knowles 一直在帮助设计人员寻找更多的方式、用更好的技术服务于他们的客户。Knowles 是移动通信、消费电子、医疗技术和其它工业终端市场中高级微声学、专用元件和人机接口解决方案的全球供应商和市场领导者。Knowles 在所属领域内精耕细作,产品均经过严格测试,具有一致的可靠性和精确度,具体包括针对听觉健康产品的扬声器和麦克风、优质音乐耳机、通信耳机和工业声学应用。Knowles MEMS(微型机电系统)麦克风和微型扬声器广泛应用于智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑和其它便携式设备。

Knowles 总部设在美国伊利诺伊州艾塔斯卡,并在纽约证券交易所上市,代号为 "KN"。公司拥有上万名员工,遍布世界各地的 37 个地方,包括设在欧洲、 亚洲和北美的设计中心。所有制造工厂均已通过 ISO-9001 认证,部分工厂还通过了 ISO-14001 和 OHSAS-18001 认证。公司通过质量管理体系来确保产品的设计质量和完整性、高效率的生产过程并准时交付高性价比的产品。