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MSP430 How to Use the Clock System Slide 2

This presentation will start by looking at the importance of the MSP430 clock system. The MSP430 is well known for its ability to achieve ultra-low power (ULP) in embedded MCU applications. This is done though a variety of low power modes and by waking from those LPMs quickly, by keeping active power low as well as by providing intelligent peripherals that can operate independent from the CPU. These are all critical to realizing a ULP architecture and all of these capabilities of the MSP430 are made possible through the flexible and high performance design of the clock system. There are three main aspects to the clock system: first, it must have a CPU clock that is fast to wake, stable, and flexible in frequency output as well as low power. Secondly there must be a clock that goes to each peripheral that requires one. In general, it needs to have the same careabouts as the CPU with the additional option to operate even when the CPU is not. And third, an ultra-low power, low frequency, accurate and reliable clock is needed for standby operations. All of these needs are addressed within the MSP430 clock system architecture and provide the foundation to its ULP DNA.

PTM Published on: 2011-11-03