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7' BeagleBone Capes Slide 3
The 7.0" BeagleBone Capes are complete display modules designed to plug directly into a BeagleBone Black Board. These Capes feature Newhaven Display’s brilliant 7.0" TFT display with capacitive touch and are offered as three different module types: standard, premium (MVA), and sunlight readable. With an open source design, it is easy to adapt these capes to fit the needs of a project design. The use of BeagleBone development technology means the user can utilize the BeagleBone community and open source resources to facilitate the design process. In addition to the BeagleBone community resources, Newhaven Display provides Operating System images (OS images) written specifically for use with the 7.0" Cape’s featured TFT display. These images allow developers to begin touch-interfacing with the display in just a few steps. Now with the power of the BeagleBone and its community, engineers of all levels can plug these Capes directly into the BeagleBone Black and begin to harness the true power of these brilliant TFT displays. The possibilities are endless.
PTM Published on: 2017-08-03