On Shore Technology Inc. 的 EDSTL(Z)1550/X 规格书

7 If Transfer nr duleal‘mn of HMS doutumenl as well as The lmllsahan or commumcahnn of lls (onlent are not permlH‘ed unless express :onsen IS granted vtalatrons give rlSE to (lawns far damages All rlghls reserved in (ass of palenf‘ uturty model or destgn patent regtstrattdns. (Pellxlfilél 92 Rattngs Use Grnup Rated anlage Rated current lnsulating Hatertal Maternal Flammahtlily [lass Malerlals :ontact Ptn 1emperature Range RaHS Compliant Part Nu B D 300V 300V 10A 10A PA 6.6 UL 94 V-0 [upper Alloy -L0‘ c ~ ms- E ' EDSTLZ1550/X 2,6 3,81 ”0,8 g No of Poles 02 2 Poles 03 3Poles 20 20 Poles we. WFZhaV‘Q on: 20170911 wns- NH ISHEET.I WFI Taleranee (HK wrznang um 20170911 smz NDNESH) Inzvu x 1m APP. an: nu: EDSYLZ‘SSLse't-sxmmm mmer xx mm W xxx mm A may tm EDantfifin/X x' 1" Eli" DESUVIPHOM CHK DAVE ONiSHORE TECHNOLOGY. lNCa DWE MD. FPSV‘7‘55V’XPW5 Q a