Amphenol CONEC 的 SnapLock Series Test Report 规格书

€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlo@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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2015_024 Hoods
with Conec SnapLock Mechanism
Prüfbericht // Test report
Nr. // No. // 2015 // 024 //
Qualification for Hoods with Conec SnapLock mechanism
Prüfobjekte 16-001750; 16-001760; 16-001770; 16-001780; 16-001790
Test Samples 16-001810; 16-001820; 16-001830; 16-001840; 16-001850
Ort der Prüfung Conec Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH, Lippstadt
Location of test
Zeitraum der Prüfung 03/2015 – 09/2015
Period of Test
Durchgeführt durch Bodo Strakerjahn, Katharina Ickert, Thomas Koch
Performed by R&D IO / Embedded
Verantwortlich Joerg Kuehle
Responsible Manager R&D IO / Embedded
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlD@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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1 Description ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Summary .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Drawings of test samples ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Metallized plastic hoods .................................................................................................... 4
Black plastic hoods ........................................................................................................... 9
Example of a mating connector with locking bolts ............................................................. 14
Connection bolt used for hood to hood connection ............................................................. 15
4 Test group A (temperature tests) ........................................................................................................................ 16
Test arrangement ............................................................................................................ 16
Visual examination ......................................................................................................... 16
Dimensional examinations .............................................................................................. 16
Electrical continuity of metalized hoods (initial) ................................................................ 17
Endurance at high temperature ......................................................................................... 18
Rapid change of temperature ........................................................................................... 19
Visual examination ......................................................................................................... 20
5 Test group B (Vibration / Shock) ....................................................................................................................... 21
Test arrangement ............................................................................................................ 21
Visual examination ......................................................................................................... 21
Vibration ....................................................................................................................... 21
Visual examination ......................................................................................................... 33
6 Test group C (mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism; initial measurement and after 500 mating
cycles) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Test arrangement ............................................................................................................ 34
Mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism ......................................................... 35
Test arrangement ........................................................................................................ 35
Mating cycles ................................................................................................................ 36
Visual examination ......................................................................................................... 36
Mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism after 500 mating cycles ....................... 37
7 Test group D (climatic sequence) ...................................................................................................................... 38
Test arrangement ............................................................................................................ 38
Visual examination ......................................................................................................... 38
Electrical continuity of metallized hoods (initial) ............................................................... 39
Climatic sequence .......................................................................................................... 40
AP6.1 Dry Heat .......................................................................................................... 40
AP6.2 Damp heat, cyclic, first cycle ............................................................................. 40
AP6.3 Cold ................................................................................................................ 40
AP6.4 Damp heat, cyclic, remaining cycles ................................................................... 40
Electrical continuity of metallized hoods .......................................................................... 41
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlD@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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1 Description
Hoods and connectors with Conec SnapLock mechanism have been tested as per following test groups:
- Test group A (Temperature tests)
- Test group B (Vibration / Shock)
- Test group C (Mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism; initial and after 500 mating
- Test group D (Climatic sequence)
2 Summary
- All temperature tests were passed without any damage or deformation. The vibration / shock test
passed at hoods with Conec SnapLock mechanism mated to connectors with integrated Conec
SnapLock bolt
- The mechanical strength of the Conec SnapLock mechanism is >550 N after initial mating and
even after 500 mating and locking cycles.
- The climatic sequence was passed without any damage or deformation.
€€>IIIE€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" s | s I A V a I 2 I I vuewwmmoovev (2.1) 15.4 . 33.5 09.5 ° @E] , E2 'K ‘ 2: EE U ©E§<> ’ I i . L_i_/ :; 32.5 25 peg c 1] fi\ 4 g g «IO 0% m 6 an; srum amen CE. mmpur. ® Pan-Nu mun-u- Imam Pun-No, mus-mo Imam: men an.“ emu-n as: Immumgn A‘uulwmmvm 1 mm mm as UL gum, puma puma was snlm sun may. "cut. mm: I cm. smusssvm 5, mum Ian suns smuun mum 5 g g mum: m. 2‘ 52% ‘g E Mmmmm «mun; : u o .. _. m 53$ ; 5 9—qu m mmmsnos Eifl g E -- mm lab—I mmmmmmm-n .4 .... i=3! i .. awn: D,“ g I a... m. 1...qu u u I I _ 2- I6KIA3529 wsm a s M £55! 3 '9' m - "fizz“EOH-flw ®5EE TABLE 5 l I A a I I I ‘
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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3 Drawings of test samples
3.1 Metallized plastic hoods
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS a | s | 4 \l/ a 1 2 I I vtewwmnmver (2:1) 15.‘ “,8 D €93 ' @ % UK '5} g; 1 := E; - E; @ == <9 =="‘-1" g="" r="" l“=""><_¥ “.3="" 40.9="" 33.2="" c="" b="" mo="" 3="" g="" _="" oomsugb‘mnswms="" %%=""><1 %—1="" fl="" nusmum="" ed="" wu:="" mm="" ®="" pan-nu.="" panda.="" mum="" swan-mu:="" 150mm="" 150mm="" lama="" ,mamsmuv»n,mmxu="" 2.mmmvm|s-aasuunw:mnmrm="" a="" an:="" 5m="" ms:="" sun="" ‘="" mu="" mrcn="" ulnsnnuss="" 5mm.="" awwtwmwwm="">1ume-‘uuw ‘3 3 0% m.n_.mnx _ O . ..... _ 2 5;; i g "" :2.» au‘.lu A , m "m i u o .. .. nu €15 °§ mum -—- ' PlasmHooalsws E32,; :3. u 2m. urn-um llsnounahvmnm-n ii; : flwnfi . 5535; g," w“. _ mum '1"; .43 * - a— n. ‘ m 23% g...“ .- n—“u‘lic mum: @SE‘EYABLE . I s I CDNEC Elektmmsche Bauelemente GmbH' Ostenreldmark 16'5é27 Llppstadt' Tel 02941 765 0' Fax 02941 I765 65 '.Inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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‘\I I:€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS s I 5 I I V7 2 I z I | 15.: ‘ 55! W mo 5cm " IQ A ' == an; mu vans: == Im E5 h‘w“ union nun . %—; m 3 47 munvmw: I man .m,muuvu;mm1sn a ”minimums msmmmncmruusn (D PHI-N0. PHI-N0. , , nuns-mums: stemmamm) nun-u- “m toutsrmssssma lS-cmnn Immus ‘ mum—m mu m- :Kn1-xn Burn.) ‘ m n. 21qu 5 § “I. .1 a..." Q; g t. um.“ “a S}; S "’ I— —- M1! h 3 mm ...._ PlasImHoodzsoos Egg E o -— mu nun mswmamm-usmm-n '1‘ —-- ”a! g .. mm. m. 5%“ =5": :1 v «IIEC' mm I". 203%: 3mm - '— u-n-w ® SEETABLE z I I 19 ‘
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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€€>Iil2€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" a | 5 I . W a I 2 I IS! 71,!) i D ""_ * == == | | “l . r’ .J D ‘2 « 0H 3! e mAmvmofi: I mommmmmuvmaamvsn @ mm pmm zmmasmmuummm mm ”m 1msmwm8‘srfimlnnm 45:90 S mam-n will?“ ‘ C(P‘ST‘MESSYEEL ‘ K mmmuunn mt “In mm: mum A g g Inlet-m ant 1.!“ ll ”£52:er 6%; 5 § 0- mm. “um I. ll 3 , ., — —. an. S25 3; mama w pummanos Egg g 3 - zsm. m .ISIUmem-wslbmulu ,4 3 .. :27 555‘! I, _ w, m Mama 53% Sg’l‘ :1. mm. ca“ . “mm “A: MSW his; gum I- III- E: Inn-m. @SEETABLE I 9 ‘
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS 2,3 WA 515 ' n i @flhflfié :2; == "=41 w _ u ¥¥® muAua-uconmuos, mauvmmmm 2 am mums muva:mmen 1 am: mmmwr STKLWQ nun: WSW MDSCRFWS l msvmsm m. ammumscmmmmm n , m. fl is f 3 ""‘" mm nun-u a g u s w m wsmmuzr [Iii S a — .— we a 1m 3;, ug “my. ....... nummmm £5! E _, ... M4. sun-u mwtmewmwmm-n .‘5 3 M. 6:32 ”52! 9 “ "'""’ ”m u 1:. ‘3 9mm 53; =§ - «3|ch “W“ m m Eng; 2 _ mm. ®SEETABLE ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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€€>I I2€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" 1 5A 415 2,8 315 Hz: 3‘5 ”WW“ scams 4 m an: smnusns: .123: aummmm ® Pan-ND. mm swan-mow PMND. mam-nu 15mm! m Asa-u was: ‘mou‘mvsnmsmsavo‘sucx 2 IMPL‘JGS Am uuu mun: a an; 5mm mus: stezuwcua mm l cw srmss sven 5 mm EM] $51915ij mm mm mean: an. 21 nun-w sq: mu mg 3—m- Masucnomspos mwmummmman IE‘; 3 mav- mu m: Du, - mm“ mama-1 way-rm m "mam- na Wang W DEAN“ a: we Mum ulna-an”: "mac nymmuym um". mm: ”mm." m "an 16mm" 32 “ y. , 9-H . (x)@ SEE mm: 2 I n ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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3.2 Black plastic hoods
u:l\lE€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" s | 5 I A W 2 I z I 1 Vie'lwmwvef (2 I ) m0 15.4 4L5 A1I5 2.8 ¥ ‘é’ comm Inn 55m 15m _ \/ ._ $ CAB—E 5mm m1; E- Bummevwe E) FawNn Pill-ND as: raw 9mm mom-2n Imus: mmlveomsoF @I ummmumulflvAmm amuaaum Anson-v4) w I cum; mu m: we won mm: 4 cwsumzssma ; mum unnsmm; gran nut-x1 aunts MI E mum-u “a 2v 5 3 3 ‘ mum-I am a I." M E '= -— —. m. 5 vi mum; m plasmumdlsms £5: E a -. “I. m memImmmm-n .‘5 f .1 5:3: g“. m mars enema pm 5;; 2;": if; 3““ ISKIAam "‘3‘ “sm' 33% a mm a- »«mu 5EETABI£ I 9 ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGV IN CONNECTORS z x 5 x n W a | 2 | I ‘14 55‘. E E D \ mmugnwm .m m‘ A ; . UM SMN ‘UF‘ ‘ m m N 47 54.4 mA—mvmw. 1 wow .cmzn ARSULEMHXMK 2 BLAMNE nus: AssuLuv n. m Q Pan-No PmNo : um; swam signs srm mxamvrm mum WW I CUP SEMESS STEEL mum wanting : mmmm New Mn: mun...“ Mm; a g mar-m! , u. ..m» , J x malarial Slealllm g; 5 ; m P: i g m. Ei: ‘ ( Haumunodzspos 5;: E2. mem‘wmmmmun '-‘5 5:23. §Jr w my; ‘ mm: m... Ea : 31., lsl‘ mm .1 gig. >2 _ ,,,_ I6KIA3|35 M museum 2“ g;- W .- u-‘w "SEETABLE s x 5 x A z u I : ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS n V 1 | 2 | : 4L5 28 o 63.5 7U.3 m V C 4‘ 3’ 3 mm A 3 mm 51mm Ru: luv :1: mm was an 9% . m TW‘ 1 ,m' mum...“ » @: Noon wvmmsmuw. Buox gm @ mm pummr 2 Hummues wsuwva sum Mm meme 3 HM SYHMNPEUEF SEEK—N118. MED i K Wu: 7‘ m.“ A aw srmsss svm. o ( . . scoumsmmmscm szzammmvm , 9' E 3 mar... “k 2 . u n Q o ’r 55; E w W"““‘"“ ”mm“ “a u - ._ m. an, S ._ mu, m Piasnc flamingos E3: : o.- nu m msermxlIv-nuosmmun -._ 3 .1 ‘ 5:5 P m m 1mm; u sum“: Air-Gnu um §§E ff 3:. W" “ c::l~l:c- mutant; “‘3, m... a s a [W‘s—l :5... 3 mm m m. 9.1..“ ©®5§5mmg a I A5 I : ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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=‘® :‘_ V 3 L 2 l I s 1 5 I A nu 69.5 | | n I .q I 3 SE E5 a; E; q n: 61.1 C mmmet h . / (0|? '5? n‘. i in "I 6 ( I ) 9 I Q 0 0 % 6 o o 9 1 w ' 7 U >ABs< q="" i="" u="" '="" -="" !="" mlnlvmtl'="" 6="" 9mm».="" panrno.="" im.colmmsuuwm="" mm="" wm="" 2="" “wplugs="" abulsi‘nlijdk="" imam="" imam="" :="" msmunummmavmzn="" mumsnsmm="" um="" sums="" a,="" cup="" smmesserel="" “sew="" s="" comm-ism="" ned="" screws,steb="" nw="" pmved="" %="" 2="" hal="" [is-am="" n!="" 2‘"="" |‘="" a,="" 6;;="" 2="" g="" spell!="" m="" ”wu...”="" maul-m="" cableswnrbjef="" e5="" :="" °="" -="" -="" w-="" “,="" vii="" ;="" g="" ._="" m="" m="" nasncmoasonos="" :i!="" g="" g="" ..-="" um="" ind="" mswmrw-nmmsmuu="" “.5="" w="" e:="" 5:53:="" pm="" it.="" a.“="" h="" .-="" humus="" mm="" am="" av="" :="" 41.)="" im="" u.="" i.="" .3="" nummvun="" is“="" i="" '5="" -="" w-="" {‘h“="" “="" ‘5'“‘3‘57="" i="" i="" (m="" n="" 3="" g="" u="" a,="" ,mmm="" an="" m="" mun="" @qseetable="" 5="" i="" i="" a="" 3="" i="" i="" i="" ‘w="">
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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‘l\l~l:€® ‘\I TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS , x . I n W ; ‘ . . A —’ E a (5") S |_ _ ‘TI 6 | | — . “2' III III - L J .. _ . ‘ ° 0: /‘ i :n l 7 67-31? sung}; "-0713: 52.81%: :fi 1 ueuuuwwwww'ww :3 M -mv.m. MW, M g fiMMh .mvamw. 1a,: 954$: NOTES: Iwumsma.mzwsmmmlommxn 2 lsuuwns mvumuv-o‘aucx 3 mmmmmm mun m mum nFLa§Mlhmflmmwm 50mm umséAwJuwWo-sma . smumcumsvncmcm cmruum, rm 2W Nut-WWI. N...“ “am” mm. .m 5 WAYS WEHALLWJM‘ WWII-“WEI. . Pcaumsnfiummsmenz 1 mm saint-m {Em—1m me an: E g Ifl-lrll gal: 2‘3” 5‘5; E 3 ‘- nun-ml SEEMIES £25 :3 “:3. W“ “‘ -.§ 1 "M. w ”$93353" n ,, w u . ii“ 3 “ “WM“... ‘gi, P _ mm m. g! : .1 ‘3 SE: 5 ‘3 3'. cgfl~lic1 IEK‘AESSB n v! memwscmsum: g,- E 3 am a: m Diana. 16.002I3D mam?! % , r . A x . . . . ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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3.3 Example of a mating connector with locking bolts
These connectors are used in different shell sizes as mating connectors for the Conec SnapLock hoods.
They are standard D-Sub connectors equipped with Conec SnapLock bolts.
TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" V A set consists of: 2x connection bolt ‘ 2x locking plate Connecflon b0" Looking plate Q3235 8.5 ”W I 3 I «5 | I I I I I .‘1‘ l | I l I "V ! 8 I I | I I I I l I ".07- I ! \U NOTES: 1.00nneaitm bolt: SIeel; Nid‘el pla‘ed 2. Locking male: ABS UL94 v-o, black . g 9 Menu“ soak: 51(91p . 6 x, ; ISO 2766-m matenal: seewss 53% g z «m... QE, E g m m- ufle: 33; , 5 m 023215 mm Kit Encoding Connection :2? «3,: ma mums 5mm LHoodSnaoLm :;;§§ 3 mm KnKmmnasImzen £529; E “K dwg no: Dw n ”a P; i M :33»; g . WM ‘3" -€' 16K‘A3583 9m. fig; 3 m rhscmm an m I 9mm” 16002200 /|\ ‘inlo@canec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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3.4 Connection bolt used for hood to hood connection
This bolt is used to establish a hood to hood connection between 2 Conec SnapLock hoods
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘inlo@conec‘de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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4 Test group A (temperature tests)
4.1 Test arrangement
A standard D-Sub connector has been mounted in each hood and the assembled hood has been mated to a
standard D-Sub connector equipped with the mounting option for use with a Conec SnapLock hood.
The temperature tests were performed to verify, if the hoods will be damaged or deformed during
temperature endurance.
Additionally the electrical continuity of the metallized hoods to the connector shells has been tested in
mated condition initially and after each test.
Assembled hood mated to connector Measurement of electrical resistance
4.2 Visual examination
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 1a
Unassembled hoods
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
No damage could be observed
4.3 Dimensional examinations
Specification: Product drawings
Test result:
All hoods have been verified per CONEC first article approval. Within this, all dimensions of the
product drawing have been verified.
All dimensions are according to the specification
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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4.4 Electrical continuity of metalized hoods (initial)
Measurement between Hood and connector:
Specification: For electrical continuity, the electrical resistance between hood and shell should be
Test equipment:
Miliohmmeter BURSTER Resistomat 2318
Test result:
Part No Sample Electrical Resistance / m
16-001750 A1 4.5
A2 3.5
16-001760 A3 5.5
A4 7.5
16-001770 A5 5.5
A6 6.0
16-001780 A7 4.5
A8 5.0
16-001790 A9 6.5
A10 4.5
The electrical continuity is ensured
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ mfo@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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4.5 Endurance at high temperature
Assembled hoods mated to mating connector
1000 h at 85°C
No damage or deformation at exposed samples
The electrical resistance between hood and shell should be <30 m for the samples with
metalized hoods
Test equipment:
Climatic chamber FEUTRON KPK 200
Miliohmmeter BURSTER Resistomat 2318
Test result:
Part No Sample Damage or
Y / N
Electrical Resistance /
16-001750 A1 N 6.0
A2 N 4.5
16-001760 A3 N 5.0
A4 N 7.0
16-001770 A5 N 9.5
A6 N 8.0
16-001780 A7 N 7.0
A8 N 5.0
16-001790 A9 N 7.5
A10 N 5.5
16-001810 A11 N N.A.
A12 N N.A.
16-001820 A13 N N.A.
A14 N N.A.
16-001830 A15 N N.A.
A16 N N.A.
16-001840 A17 N N.A.
A18 N N.A.
16-001850 A19 N N.A.
A20 N N.A.
The electrical continuity is ensured by the metalized hoods
No damage or deformation occurs at high temperature
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ mfo@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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4.6 Rapid change of temperature
Assembled hoods mated to mating connector
Low temperature: -35 °C
High temperature: 85 °C
1 cycle = 30 min at low temperature + 30 min at high temperature
5 cycles
No damage or deformation at exposed samples
The electrical resistance between hood and shell should be <30 m for the samples with
metalized hoods
Test equipment:
Climatic chamber FEUTRON KPK 200
Miliohmmeter BURSTER Resistomat 2318
Test result:
Part No Sample Damage or
Y / N
Electrical Resistance /
16-001750 A1 N 6.5
A2 N 5.0
16-001760 A3 N 6.0
A4 N 6.5
16-001770 A5 N 8.5
A6 N 7.5
16-001780 A7 N 8.0
A8 N 9.0
16-001790 A9 N 7.0
A10 N 6.5
16-001810 A11 N N.A.
A12 N N.A.
16-001820 A13 N N.A.
A14 N N.A.
16-001830 A15 N N.A.
A16 N N.A.
16-001840 A17 N N.A.
A18 N N.A.
16-001850 A19 N N.A.
A20 N N.A.
The electrical continuity is ensured by the metalized hoods
No damage or deformation occurs
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlD@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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4.7 Visual examination
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 1a
Assembled hoods mated to mating connector + hoods after being unmated again
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
No damage could be observed
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘inlu@canec‘de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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5 Test group B (Vibration / Shock)
5.1 Test arrangement
A standard D-Sub connector has been mounted in each hood and the assembled hood has been mated to a
standard D-Sub connector equipped with the mounting option for Conec SnapLock.
5.2 Visual examination
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 1a
Unassembled hoods
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
No damage could be observed
5.3 Vibration
Frequency: 10 – 2000 Hz
Amplitude: 1.5 mm
Acceleration: 20 g
3 axis
12 h total
20 min / sweep
12 sweeps / axis
Current: 100 mA
No contact disturbance > 1 µs
Test result:
See next pages
No contact disturbances detected
‘il A Fraunhofer Hermsaorr Families Idbwalmy [or ()udl-ly and fielmmlily Mnchael-faraday-Slrafle 1 07519 Hermsdorl Yet 036601I9301 1925/1903 ”(T5 Fax 03660119301 1925 email. lquIkls lraunlmleme TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" Client: Vour order: Purpose or the test: Test item: 125! speclfkallnn: Test Instruments I': Test proeedure an test results: Dlstrlbutlon: Client. 1x [.022 ix Hermgdnrt, 2m 5-04-78 flfl. i. A Torke Technical manager UUNtu :Iektronlsche Hauelemente umbH ' Uslenrelamark I6 ' 3955/ LIppstaat ' IeL 0294146541 ' r-ax 029414657 Test Report CONEC' Elektronische Bauelemenle GmbH Oslenfeldmark 16 59557 Lippsladl Germany Delivery Order from 2015-04-15 Our O'iEr 155‘A815-15-0023 Inlormalion lest Vibration and Shotk D‘sub Hood with SnapLock mated to Connector wlth Integrated SnapLock bolt Group with 4 samples: mounting cirtuit board and wired awordlrlg lu cuswmur specmcauun 83 (multimeter Fluke 189) 113 (oscillograph Fluke PM 3382A) 600 (control unit vibrationlfiew i/U BOX) 601 (accelerometer MSSSBIB; 9.85 rnV) See the (allowing pages. The tests were passed. Order-No.1 15.0162 Date of order: 2015-04-15 Date of receipt 2015-04-15 oi the samples: Quantity: sample 1-4 Date of test: from: 2015-04-22 to: 2015-04-24 Pages of Test report: 12 Annex: 0 fl@ Torke Yesler 'mroemaneeae
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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.% Fraunhofer IKTS Hermsdorl Fae-lines Laboralory for Oualrly and mummy Mxhael-Faradaysuabe I 07619 Humidor! Tel mesomzm 192511903 Fax. Oim‘flim I926 Emall. morn; Irmnholel de Orin-No.1 Isms: Procedure Rating Vibration frequency F = 10 Hz — 2000 Hz amplitude 1,5 mm acceleration a: 20 g 3 axrs; (12 h total) 20 min/sweep 12 sweeps/axis current: 100 mA OK Contact dislurbancos drama I 11: max no zomact dinurhanu: Shock OK hail~sine peak sawtooth: a = 50 g nominal duration. l1 ms 3 Shocks / axis and direction (18 Shocks) currenr: 100 mA Coniact dlsturbances detect 1 p5 maxi no contact disturbames ‘inlo@canecide
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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Helmsdofl Facllllles Labmamry In! many and Reliability % Fraunhofer m:::=::::3:z:"'““ Ordov-Mu 15.0162 m - ozaamnzm ”2511903 IKTS Fax 03660133!“ 1926 e-mau. quoius iiaunhoieine Vibration and Shock curves Clieni :Conec Eleklronische Bauelemenle Annex : Vlbration x-axls Sensonk: Channel Name Units Sensitivity Typ Conuol G 985 mV/G LW155968 Profile 10HZ 1.5 mm 813888 Hz 1.5 mm 81.3888 H1 20 G 2000 Hz 20 G Acceleration Profile 50.0 . A 10.0 é a) n. 9 E 8 E o g to < comm!="" (iv—‘i-="" ‘="" .w,="" *‘v’="" bum-m="" ‘0="" 100="" 1000="" frequency="" (hz)="" 2000="" ‘"">
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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% Helmsduil fd
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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Helmsdoll Facvlllies ? upomoq lav Quality and MIiabxluy A Fraunhofer “‘31:; Tel.: 03660119301 1925/1903 lKTS Fax. 0366011930! 1926 e-mai: latOins Ilaunholel de Oran-No; Isms: TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" % Clienl :Conec Elekuonische Bauelemenle Annex : Vibration z-axis Sensorik : Channel Name Uni‘s Sensitivity Typ Contlol G 9.85 "IV/G LW155968 P Profile 10Hz 1.5 mm 81.3888 Hz 1.5mm 31.3999 Hz 20 a moo H: 20 c Acceleration Profile 50.0 A mo E m D. Q C 8 E II) E 1.0 < comm!="" 0.1="" -="" ‘="" 0mm="" 10="" 100="" 1000="" 2000="" frequency="" (hz)="" '"">
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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€€>I I2€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" He'msdorl mums Labavatovy lnr Quallly and Reliabmy 4% Fr a u n h ofe r Mkmirarmysuaae 1 Wu 07629 Heuristic" OMEFNOJ 15.0162 misma- TEI: 036601531" 1925/l903 IKTS i, i m; osmmaoi 1926 e—mall: qumkis liaunholev ae CHEN :Conec Elektronische Eauelemente Annex : Shock positive; x-axis Sensorik : Channel Name Units Sensitivity Typ Control G 9.85 mV/G LW155968 Piolile Test Profile: 11 ms Ilall Sine Pulse with amplitude 50 G (Positive) Pie-pulse amplitude: 20 % ol the peak acteleration Postrpulse amplitude: 20 % cl the peak acceleration False Control channels: (ontrol TBS! level schedule: Pulses Level 1) 3 100 “A Accelgfatlon Acceleration (G) Como! wilflfipwnw. .mW‘ mm 0.015 -o.u1o «mos o (1005 0.010 0 15 0.020 0,025 Time (sec) .V,H.v,.... pulvzu =IeKtmnIscne flauelemeflte umun USwl’llelUl’l’lalK lb was: Llppstaut let ugwwozw rax Luann/barb: Inmuycunacne
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" Hemlsdotl Factltltes labouatoty lor Quality and Reliablllty a Fraunhofer 521:. mm... g £5: Tel. 03660ll930l l925/I903 IKTS Fax' WWI/93m ISZE e—mail: lqzfiikls llaunholet as new)»: Client :Conc: [Icktmnischc Bauclcmcntc Annex : Shock negative: x-axis Sensorik : Channel Name Units Sensitivity Typ Control G 9.85 mV/G LW155968 Ptollle lest Profile: 1 1 ms Half Sine Pulse with amplitude 50 G (Negative) Premike amplitude: 70 % nl the peak actpleration Post-pulse amplitude: 20 % ol the peak acceleration False Control channels: control Test level schedule: Pulses Level 1) 3 " 100 % 40 Acceleration Acceleration (G) i; o z" o Comm 430 . W -o.015 -o.010 -0.005 0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 Time (sec) 'inlo@canecede
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
ISO / TS 16949
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TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" mummy! lac-lines Laminar, lo! Gullily and Relilhrlily ‘ll Tel: 0366011930l IBIS/”03 "(T5 Fax tassel/9301 I926 e-mall' lqu-ktslllaunhohv de A Fraunhofer $22:°l§7:2532"‘°“ MM, Client :Conec Elektronisme Bauelemente Annex: Shock positive; y-axis Sensorik : Channel Name Units Sensitivity Typ Control 6 9‘85 mV/G LW155968 Prolile Test Profile: 11 ms Hall Sine Pulse with amplitude 50 G (Positive) Pre-pulse amplnude: 20 % of lhe peak acceleration Post-pulse amplitude: 20 % of the peak acceleration False Control channels: control Test level schedule: Pulses Level 1) 3 l00 % 80 Acceleration Acceleration (G) Comm 440 - l 7 Demand 47.015 43.010 41,005 0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0020 0125 Time (sec) 'inlo@canectde
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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a Fraunhofer IKTS TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" Helmsdorl lelues whammy in: Quality and Reliabilily lel' 0366011930! 1925“”) Fax: 03660‘330‘ 1926 email lqulkts luunmlude MKhael-fataday»$tlafle 1 ,h 07529He1msdod cyan-um: 15.0!62 Client 'Cona: Elaktvonliche Eauolamcnto Annex : Shock negatlve: y-axls Sensovik : Channel Name Units Contvol G Home Test Profile: Sensitivity Typ 9.85 mV/G LW155968 1 1 ms Hall Sine Pulse with amplitude 50 6 (Negative) Pre-pulse amplitude: 20 $6 0' the peak acceleration Post-pulse amplitude: 10 % of the peak acceleration False Control channels: (onttol Test level schedule: Pulses Level I) 3 ‘100% 40 Acceleration (G) Acceleratlon Comm .30 “imr W 41.015 0.010 01005 Time (sec) 0 0.005 0,010 Deal 5 0320 76702.5 'inlo@canectde
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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Nemwdoll Facllllzs Labotalmy lo! Qualuy and Reliabilily A; Fraunhofer mavatmw“ 2:; IKTS Tal‘ 03664.1!!9301 19251903 Fax’ 03660l1930l 1926 emall: IQIIIkIS Iraunholel d: Eliénl 'L'onét Elelrtmnische Rauglamente Annex : Shad positive: z-axis Sensorik : Channel Name Units Sensitivity Typ Control G 9,85 mV/G LW155968 Profile Test Frame: 11 ms Hall Sine Pulse with amplitude 50 G (Positive) Pre
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS" Hermsdorl Families Laboralary luv oualny and lellablllly A; F r a u n h ofer Mmad-rauday-suaaer w~ 07629 Hermsdod Order-Na: 15.0162 mm... IK kl casein/93m 1925/le “m“ T5 Far 03550119an 1925 -~ - E-l'lill: lqzmklslriunmleme Client ,Conec Eleklronische Bauelemenle Annex : shod: negative; z-axis Sensorik : Channel Name UNIS Sensitivily Typ Control 5 9.85 mV/G LW‘I 55968 Profile Iesl Profile: 11 ms Half Sine Pulse wilh amplilude 50 6 (Negative) Plepulse amplilude: ZD % of the peak aueleralion Post-pulse amplitude. 20 ”A of the peak acceleraiion False Control channels: control Test level schedule: Pulses Level I) 3 e mo 94, Acceleration 407W? 7*: ; , Acceleration (6) Canal .30 .,....,..,...,,..,.;.H,i.v..,nv..k,,fl, Dam 43.015 »0.0l0 41005 0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 Time (sec) ~End of the Test Report» '
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlD@c0nec de
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5.4 Visual examination
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 1a
Hoods in assembled and disassembled (into single parts) condition
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
No damage could be observed
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘inlo@canec‘de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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6 Test group C (mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism;
initial measurement and after 500 mating cycles)
6.1 Test arrangement
A standard D-Sub connector has been mounted in each hood and the assembled hood has been mated to a
standard D-Sub connector equipped with the mounting option for Conec SnapLock hood 500 times
After performing the mating cycles, the mechanical strength of the Conec SnapLock mechanism has been
tested by pulling the hood from the fixed connector.
Test sample version 1: Hood to connector connection
Test sample version 2: Hood to hood connection
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ mfo@conec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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6.2 Mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism
6.2.1 Test arrangement
A standard D-Sub connector has been mounted in each hood and the assembled hood has been mated to a
standard D-Sub connector equipped with the mounting option for Conec SnapLock hood.
Following tests have been made to evaluate the retention force of the Conec SnapLock mechanism:
Retention force between mated and locked hood and D-Sub connector
Retention force between mated hoods
Pull speed: 15 mm / min
Pulled until
Conec SnapLock mechanism is loosened
Connectors damaged, deformed or pulled out of the hoods
Test equipment:
Force measurement device TEST 108,5kN
Test result:
Test samples version 1: Hood to connector connection:
Shell size Conec SnapLock loosened Y/N
at force (N)
Connectors deformed or pulled
out of hood Y/N
At force (N)
1 (9 pos) N Y (562 N)
1 (9 pos) N Y (561 N)
2 (15 pos) N Y (564 N)
2 (15 pos) N Y (796 N)
3 (25 pos) N Y (801 N)
3 (25 pos) N Y (863 N)
4 (37 pos) N Y (892 N)
4 (37 pos) N Y (897 N)
5 (50 pos) N Y (871 N)
5 (50 pos) N Y (902 N)
Test samples version 2: Hood to hood connection:
Shell size Conec SnapLock loosened Y/N
at force (N)
Connectors deformed or pulled
out of hood Y/N
At force (N)
3 (25 pos) N Y (683 N)
3 (25 pos) N Y (622 N)
The minimum retention force of hood to PCB connector and hood to hood connection is >550 N
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlD@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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6.3 Mating cycles
Hood to connector mating
Hood to hood mating
1 cycle = Mated manually to locked position, then unlocked and unmated
500 cycles each
Test equipment:
Force measurement device TEST 108,5kN
Test result:
For each hood size 500 mating cycles have been performed for a hood to connector connection
and for a hood to hood connection.
6.4 Visual examination
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 1a
Hoods and connectors
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
No damage occurred
€<>Ii=~ "® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNE-CTORS ‘ \nlo@cunec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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6.5 Mechanical strength of Conec SnapLock mechanism after 500 mating cycles
Tested with force measurement device: Test 108.5kN
Pull speed: 15mm/min
Pulled until
Conec SnapLock mechanism is loosened
Connectors damaged, deformed or pulled out of the hoods
Test equipment:
Force measurement device TEST 108,5kN
Test result:
Test sample version 1: Hood to connector connection:
Shell size Conec SnapLock loosened Y/N
at force (N)
Connectors deformed or pulled
out of hood Y/N
At force (N)
1 (9 pos) N Y (574 N)
2 (15 pos) N Y (900 N)
3 (25 pos) N Y (944 N)
4 (37 pos) N Y (993 N)
5 (50 pos) N Y (881 N)
Test sample version 2: Hood to hood connection:
Shell size Conec SnapLock loosened Y/N
at force (N)
Connectors deformed or pulled
out of hood Y/N
At force (N)
1 (9 pos) N Y (722 N)
2 (15 pos) N Y (701 N)
3 (25 pos) N Y (853 N)
4 (37 pos) N Y (738 N)
5 (50 pos) N Y (904 N)
No Conec SnapLock connection could be loosened after 500 mating cycles. At each sample, a connector
has been pulled out of the hood at forces > 550 N.
Connectors pulled out of the hood
€€>Iili€® TECHNOLOGY IN CONNECTORS ‘ \nlD@c0nec de
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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7 Test group D (climatic sequence)
7.1 Test arrangement
A standard D-Sub connector has been mounted in each hood and the assembled hood has been mated to a
standard D-Sub connector equipped with the mounting option for Conec SnapLock hoods.
The temperature tests are being performed to verify, if the hoods will be damaged or deformed during the
climatic sequence endurance.
Additionally the electrical continuity of the metallized hoods to the connector shells has been tested
initially and after the climatic sequence.
7.2 Visual examination
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 1a
Unassembled hoods (single parts)
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
No damage could be observed
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7.3 Electrical continuity of metallized hoods (initial)
Measurement between Hood and connector:
Specification: For electrical continuity, the electrical resistance between hood and shell should be
<30 m
Test equipment:
Miliohmmeter BURSTER Resistomat 2318
Test result:
Part No Sample Electrical Resistance / m
16-001750 D1 4.5
D2 8.0
16-001760 D3 4.5
D4 3.5
16-001770 D5 6.0
D6 5.5
16-001780 D7 6.5
D8 5.0
16-001790 D9 7.0
D10 6.0
The electrical continuity is ensured
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7.4 Climatic sequence
Test equipment:
Climatic chamber FEUTRON KPK 200
Specification: metallized and non metallized hood have passed through a climatic sequence specified
as follows per IEC 60512, Test No. 11a
7.4.1 AP6.1 Dry Heat
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 11i
Temperature: 85 °C
Duration: 16 h
Test result:
All samples have been thermal stressed as described above
7.4.2 AP6.2 Damp heat, cyclic, first cycle
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 11m
Method Db
Temperature: 55 °C
Recovery time: 2 h
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
All samples have been thermal stressed as described above and are within the specification
7.4.3 AP6.3 Cold
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 11j
Temperature: -25 °C
Duration: 2 h
Recovery time: 2 h
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
All samples have been thermal stressed as described above and are within the specification
7.4.4 AP6.4 Damp heat, cyclic, remaining cycles
Specification: IEC 60512, Test No. 11m
Method Db
Temperature: 55 °C
5 cycles
Recovery time: 2 h
There shall be no defect that would impair normal operation
Test result:
All samples have been thermal stressed as described above and are within the specification
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH * Ostenfeldmark 16 * 59557 Lippstadt * Tel. 02941-765-0 * Fax 02941-765-65 *
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7.5 Electrical continuity of metallized hoods
Measurement between Hood and connector:
Specification: For electrical continuity, the electrical resistance between hood and shell should be
<30 m
Test equipment:
Miliohmmeter BURSTER Resistomat 2318
Test result:
Part No Sample Damage or
Y / N
Electrical Resistance /
16-001750 D1 N 6.5
D2 N 7.5
16-001760 D3 N 5.5
D4 N 8.5
16-001770 D5 N 7.5
D6 N 8.5
16-001780 D7 N 9.0
D8 N 10.0
16-001790 D9 N 11.0
D10 N 9.5
16-001810 D11 N N.A.
D12 N N.A.
16-001820 D13 N N.A.
D14 N N.A.
16-001830 D15 N N.A.
D16 N N.A.
16-001840 D17 N N.A.
D18 N N.A.
16-001850 D19 N N.A.
D20 N N.A.