Raspberry Pi Brings Old Suitcase Computer Back to Life

I love the smell and feel of old stuff and computers are no exception. They can be bulky, heavy, and laughably slow, but they are so very cool! It’s like stepping back in time. Hackaday is featuring a pretty fantastic build of a retrocomputer that was revived by a Raspberry Pi. All original is often preferred, but when that’s not possible, new technology is needed to breathe life back into these old machines.

The retrocomputing trend is to lovingly and carefully restore these old machines to their former glory, regardless of how clunky or underpowered they are by modern standards. Sometimes they can’t be saved, yet it’s still possible to gut and rebuild the machine with modern hardware, like with this Raspberry Pi used to revive an Osborne 1.

The tricky part about this build was making the original keyboard talk to the Pi, which was accomplished with an Arduino that translates key presses to USB.

To read more about this restoration click here to hop on over to Hackaday.


Image of Jenn Toso

Jenn Toso 是一个社交媒体营销专家,擅长一切社交活动!作为 DigiKey 社交媒体团队的忠实成员,您可以在 DigiKey 的社交媒体渠道上看到她的博客、分享、推特和帖子。Jenn 酷爱创客和 STEM 社区,她相信今天的年轻人手中握着一把为我们每个人创造更美好明天的钥匙。Jenn 拥有科学学士学位、互联网营销硕士学位和曲棍球妈妈博士学位。业余时间,Jenn 喜欢探索她最近发现的可穿戴技术的亲和力,也喜欢让自己痴迷于所有与曲棍球相关的东西。您会常常发现 Jenn 活跃在一些社交媒体或曲棍球球场上——或有时候同时乐在其中。

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