Q&A from DigiKey’s List Management Webinar

There were so many helpful questions and answers from the webinar about DigiKey’s list management tool that we thought it would only be right to share. We didn’t get to answer all of the questions live, and some questions were asked multiple times. Let’s look at some of the questions asked and provide DigiKey’s best answers. (Questions may be edited for length or clarity.)

Sharing lists with co-workers

One of the benefits of myLists is the ability to share lists with co-workers. To see your co-worker’s list or share yours with them, you will each need to be registered and change your co-worker preferences to make them accessible. Who are your co-workers? You will be able to see any co-worker associated with your company’s DigiKey record (root account).

In the future, you may be able to share via a link to anyone you want to allow access to a list. This feature is being developed.

When you create your list, you have the option to set Visibility to allow your co-workers to Read-Only or View and Edit

Customer reference numbers

As a registered user, you can save your internal numbers and use them to create a quote or place an order. When uploading your spreadsheet to myLists, you can map your internal part number column to the heading “Customer Reference,” this will connect your internal part number to the DigiKey and Manufacturer part numbers.


The attrition feature, when toggled, includes your original quantities and an additional amount for planned overages that account for any lost or damaged components during manufacturing.

Toggling "Include Attrition" will increase your quantities based on the Attrition % column and will calculate appropriate packaging and pricing. The additional quantities can then be included in a quote or cart without altering your original list.

How much should you set the attrition? The amount of waste varies depending on your manufacturing processes and hardware. It's beneficial if you have an estimate of what quantity is waste; the quantity you need for your build is also a factor. Knowing that ratio will help you set your attrition percentage.

Where are my quotes?

The myLists quote dashboard will display quotes that were created in myLists and quotes previously created in Quote Manager.  A feature to "lookup" a quote that was created by a DigiKey team member will be available soon.

Benefits of using myLists?

Faster response times on stock checks, faster quote turnaround, and the ability to order directly from a quote are the first things that come to mind in a tight inventory environment like we are in today, but collaboration, customization, and the ability to create and save lists save you time and effort. There are innumerable use cases for a list management tool like myLists, and we’re sure you’ll find your unique benefit by using the tool.

Will there be a recording?

Yes, the webinar is now available on-demand. If you were registered before the event, you will receive an email with the recording. If not, you can register to be taken directly to the recording. https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3750072/677193AFEBB4445961590D9FDA91F3C0

Ready to create a list? Try the tool here: www.digikey.com/mylists


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