
Sensirion SHTC3 Digital Humidity Sensor | DigiKey Daily

Sensirion offers their SHTC3 digital humidity and temperature sensor IC. When compared to its proven predecessor, the SHTC1, this sensor accepts a broader supply voltage range, from 1.62 volts to 3.6 volts, and provides a higher accuracy of plus-or-minus two percent relative humidity and plus-or-minus 0.2 degrees Celsius. This sensor IC has been designed especially for high-volume consumer electronics applications, and is strictly designed to overcome conventional limits for size, power consumption, and performance to price ratio in order to fulfill current and future requirements. This single chip solution consists of a capacitive humidity sensor, a band gap temperature sensor, analog and digital signal processing, an analog-to-digital converter, calibration data memory, and a digital communication interface supporting I2C fast mode.

9/5/2018 2:15:04 PM