
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 Dongle | Digi-Key Daily

Nordic semiconductor offers their nRF52840 dongle, which is a small, low-cost USB dongle for Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, ZigBee, 802.15.4, ANT, and 2.4 gigahertz proprietary applications using the nRF52840 SoC. And because it supports all the short-range wireless standards used with Nordic devices, it’s the perfect target hardware for use with nRF Connect for Desktop. The dongle is supported by most of the nRF Connect for Desktop apps and will automatically be programmed if needed. Additionally, custom applications can be made and downloaded to the dongle. It has a user programmable RGB LED, a green LED, a user programmable button as well as 15 GPIO. Example applications are available in the nRF5 SDK under the board name PCA10059.

12/7/2018 4:33:47 PM

Part List

USB DONGLE NRF52840 PCA10059NRF52840-DONGLEUSB DONGLE NRF52840 PCA100592907 - 立即发货$85.00查看详情