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YAGEO Nexensos

Image of Yageo's Digital Architecture Passive Components

Digital Architecture Passive Components

Our interactive tool is here to guide you through each stage of a digital architecture system consisting of the input stage, the switch tank converter, the DC-DC converter, the digital processor, and finally all the inputs and outputs.

Image of Yageo's Power Conversion Passive Components

Power Conversion Passive Components

Our interactive tool is here to guide you through each stage of a power conversion system consisting of the EMI filter, the power factor corrector, the DC-DC converter, and finally the output filter.

Image of Yageo's Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Explore YAGEO Group's offering of passive solutions for the AI revolution supporting the power needs of AI driven hardware devices.


YAGEO Nexensos - Experts for Maximum Sensing
YAGEO Nexensos - Experts for Maximum Sensing
Sensor Academy - Insulation Resistance of Pt RTD Sensors
Sensor Academy - Insulation Resistance of Pt RTD Sensors
Sensor Academy – Temperature and Humidity Test for Pt RTD Sensors
Sensor Academy – Temperature and Humidity Test for Pt RTD Sensors
Sensor Academy - Wire Connections for Pt RTD Sensors
Sensor Academy - Wire Connections for Pt RTD Sensors

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Introduction to Thin-Film Platinum RTDs
YAGEO's platinum RTD temperature sensors deliver high-accuracy, high-stability temperature sensing over a wide operating temperature range.

关于 YAGEO Nexensos

YAGEO Nexensos 是温度检测领域的专家,即使在极端温度和具有挑战性的应用中,也能实现最高的可靠性。

作为铂金薄膜技术的全球市场和技术领导者,该公司提供的传感器元件和组件符合最高质量标准,具有 -200°C 至 +1,000°C 宽应用温度范围。YAGEO Nexensos 传感器为电动汽车、工业加工、能源管理、家用电器、电子、健康和生命科学以及汽车尾气处理等许多关键行业实现了安全的可持续运行。YAGEO Nexensos 在欧洲和亚洲拥有灵活的大规模生产能力,可在从快速原型设计到大规模生产的整个开发过程中为客户提供支持。

Yageo Corporation 是世界一流的电子元器件公司,业务遍布全球,包括设在亚洲、欧洲和美洲的生产厂和销售部门。YAGEO 提供一站式供应服务,包括电阻器、电容器、无线和电路元器件组成的全套产品组合,可满足客户各种各样的需求。