Johanson Technology's 2450AT42E010xx Chip Antenna

Johanson Technology's 2450AT42E010xx Chip Antenna (Image source: Johanson Technology)

Miniature ceramic RF chip antennas are commonly used in 2.4 GHz wireless applications such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and ZigBee because they are low cost and small in physical size. Johanson Technology’s 2450AT42E010xx chip antennas have these features, but also provide another unique benefit. The antennas were specifically designed for applications where metal is directly underneath the antenna and is actually required for the antenna to perform optimally. The benefit of this characteristic is that the performance of the antenna will not be negatively affected by proximity to a coin cell battery or display containing metal. This allows smaller PCB designs and provides flexibility in the form factor and placement of the end product.

More information about this product can be found on EEWiki, and if there are any questions, feel free to ask them in the TechForum.


Image of Scott Raeker

Scott Raeker 是 DigiKey 的首席应用工程师,自 2006 年加入公司以来就一直主要负责协助无线领域的客户。他在电子行业有着超过 35 年的经验,并拥有明尼苏达大学的电气工程学位。业余时间 Scott 喜欢打理他的世纪之交农舍。

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