• Preferred Supplier

Laird Thermal Systems

Image of Peltier Coolers for High-Temp Environments




Thermal Wizard for Liquid Cooling Applications
Thermal Wizard for Liquid Cooling Applications
Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies Product Overview
Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies Product Overview
Thermal Wizard for Air Cooling Applications
Thermal Wizard for Air Cooling Applications
Thermoelectric Coolers for Laser Projection
Thermoelectric Coolers for Laser Projection

近期 PTM

10 minutes
Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies and Temperature Controllers
This presentation will give an overview of Laird Thermal Systems' Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies and Temperature Controller product lines.
10 minutes
Thermoelectric Coolers
This presentation will provide an overview of the Thermoelectric Cooler and the Thermal Wizard tool from Laird Thermal Systems.

关于 Laird Thermal Systems

Laird Thermal Systems 为全球医疗、分析、工业、运输、消费和电信市场的苛刻应用设计、开发和制造热管理解决方案。作为业内唯一全面提供热电模块、热电组件、温度控制器和液体冷却系统产品的公司,Laird Thermal Systems 采用先进的热建模和管理技术,解决了复杂的热量和温度控制问题。丰富的应用专业知识加上无与伦比的热管理设计支持,可帮助客户实现最优化的设计解决方案。Laird Thermal Systems 为全球客户提供本地设计工程、测试、原型设计、制造服务以及销售、客户服务和技术支持。