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Sensors LMT Temp Sensors Slide 7

Power consumption requirements are driven by many factors. They might include a limited power budget due to a battery supply, or reduced consumption requirements from an industry specification like Energy Star 2.0. Analog LMT devices from LMT84 – LMT89 exhibit extremely low power consumption across temperature and supply voltage. In this graph, the red line just above the x-axis shows the power consumption of the LMT8x is virtually constant across voltage and temperature. Imperceptible self-heating occurs, so no change in performance and accuracy occurs.The upper green curve and the central blue curve demonstrate the increased current demand of NTCs as system and ambient temperature increases. Not only does power consumption increase by orders of magnitude, self-heating occurs and will introduce accuracy errors. Signal conditioning circuitry will increase power consumption further. Thermistors have higher power consumption and may also be subject to self-heating that will further “de-linearize” their performance. LMT devices remain linear, simple-to-use, and have very low power consumption.

PTM Published on: 2013-07-25