Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Product List
Sensors LMT Temp Sensors Slide 4

This slide shows two ways to use the information gathered on the last slide to identify an analog temp sensor. The graphic on the top right of the slide shows the analog temp sensor selector tool from TI. This can be found at The selector tool is simple to use. Answers to only two of the questions on the last slide are needed to use this tool: What operating temp range is needed, and what accuracy is needed. To select the desired accuracy, move the diamond-shaped slider to the right of the thermometer until it indicates the desired accuracy. To select the desired temperature range, move the diamond-shaped sliders to the left of the thermometer until the minimum and maximum operating temperature is selected. Suggested devices will then appear to the side of the selector tool. Since this tool returns results for all analog LM and LMT temp sensors, brief descriptions also appear to assist in narrowing the search. Simply click on the part number in this list to go to the product folder of the desired device. Again, this selection tool is available at The table at the bottom of this slide is an abridged version of the parametric table, available on The 7 new LMT devices are summarized in this table. It provides slightly more information than the selector tool to further narrow results. In addition to the operating temperature range and accuracy used to operate the online selector tool, supply voltage range, power consumption, and packaging options are listed.

PTM Published on: 2013-07-25