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Sensors LMT Temp Sensors Slide 5

NTC thermistors and IC temp sensors are often able to address the same system need. Both require a basic source, and both feed into an ADC available somewhere in the system. Thermistors are two-terminal devices as they are, in effect, thermally variable resistors. Analog temp sensors are often three-terminal devices: supply, ground and output. In this slide there are two block diagrams. On the left is an example of a simplified thermistor circuit. Depending on system needs, this circuit can be less complex or much more complex. Ultimately, the output of the thermistor is the input to an ADC within a microcontroller. On the right is an equivalent circuit using one of the LMT series of analog temp sensors. Why would a customer use an LMT instead of a thermistor? Because analog LMT devices are more linear, more accurate, consume less power and are extremely easy to use. Ultimately, an analog temp sensor can provide as good OR BETTER solution than an NTC thermistor for comparable system cost.

PTM Published on: 2013-07-25