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PUI Audio, Inc.

Image of Audio Kits for Design Solutions


PUI Audio 提供适用于任何音频应用的套件。由于声音、频率和灵敏度等方面的差异,音频部件的设计难度相当大。

Image of The ASX10108-SPD-R Audio Exciter

ASX10108-SPD-R 音频激励器


Image of PUI's Simulator Tool

PUI Audio 模拟器


Tools and Support


触觉反馈元件 | Datasheet Preview
触觉反馈元件 | Datasheet Preview
5 Amazing Reasons Audio is So Important in Product Design
5 Amazing Reasons Audio is So Important in Product Design
Audio Applications for Designing Products
Audio Applications for Designing Products
PUIaudio Haptic Feedback Components | Datasheet Preview
PUIaudio Haptic Feedback Components | Datasheet Preview

近期 PTM

5 minutes
SMT-0440 Series Surface Mount Transducers
PUI Audio's SMT-0440 series surface mount transducers are ideal for reducing the size of a hand-held device without sacrificing audible output or battery life.
5 minutes
Enclosed Speaker Components
Highlighting the components' operation and the benefits of the new speaker offerings from PUI Audio.
5 minutes
SMT-0540 Series Surface Mount Transducers
This transducer offers sound output comparable to three times the size of the component, making it a ideal for the shrinking sizes of handheld devices.
5 minutes
Side-Firing Washable Surface Mount Transducers
Even when standard solder pastes are used, component can be washed in high pressure without damaging the audio device.

关于 PUI Audio, Inc.

PUI Audio, Inc. 是开发、制造和供应优质音频元器件(包括蜂鸣器、警报器和传感器)的领先厂商。公司的办公、产品开发、工程设计、销售和客户服务地点均位于俄亥俄州代顿市。


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