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NimbeLink is Now Airgain
NimbeLink is Now Airgain
How to Choose the Right Cellular Technology for Your Application?
How to Choose the Right Cellular Technology for Your Application?
Connect with M1 Development Kits
Connect with M1 Development Kits
About LTE CAT M1 and Use Cases
About LTE CAT M1 and Use Cases

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Understanding LTE
LTE's main promise is higher data rates to support mobile browsing on cell phones as they became more of a media consumption device and less of an audio communications device
5 minutes
Understanding Cellular Certification
Because modems are end-device certified, using a certified modem and the development tools provided with them can make cellular easy
5 minutes
Getting Started with Cellular
A look at the product and reasons for choosing cellular based solutions.

关于 Airgain

Airgain 是先进天线技术的领先提供商,其产品用于实现高性能无线网络,涵盖包括消费、企业和汽车在内的众多设备和市场。Airgain 将设计导向型理念与测试、开发相结合,与包括运营商、芯片供应商、OEM 和 ODM 在内的整个生态系统开展合作。Airgain 的天线产品已部署在运营商、车队、企业、住宅、个人、政府和公共安全无线网络和系统中,包括机顶盒、接入点、路由器、调制解调器、网关、媒体适配器、便携式设备、数字电视、传感器、车队以及资产跟踪设备。Airgain 的总部位于加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥,并在美国、英国和中国设有设计和测试中心。

