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uez hardware overview
The µEZ GUI family provides an off-the-shelf graphical user interface (GUI) that designers can quickly integrate into their product to provide a touch screen interface. Thanks to modern consumer electronics such as the iPhone, iPad, and other touch screen devices, customer expectations for Human Machine Interface (HMI) have changed. Monochrome LCDs with physical buttons or keypads are no longer acceptable. The µEZ GUI from FDI makes it quick and easy to implement an instant touch screen GUI into a project, and solves the make versus buy question by allowing designers to cost effectively implement a solution right off the shelf. The µEZ GUI hardware family includes the open source µEZ / FreeRTOS software, touch screen, file system, graphics, USB, accelerometer, peripheral drivers, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet modules. FDI offers µEZ GUI development kits, as well as cost-effective modules for prototypes or high volume production.
PTM Published on: 2014-08-29