• Preferred Supplier

MACOM Technology Solutions


MACOM Broadband Darlington Amplifier DC-15 GHz
MACOM Broadband Darlington Amplifier DC-15 GHz
MACOM Space and Hi-Rel
MACOM Space and Hi-Rel
MACOM's Voltage Variable Attenuator | MAAV-011013
MACOM's Voltage Variable Attenuator | MAAV-011013
MACOM 1 W Driver Amplifier with VG Enable | MAAP-011232
MACOM 1 W Driver Amplifier with VG Enable | MAAP-011232

近期 PTM

10 minutes
HMIC Switches & Discrete Surmount Devices
This presentation will give an overview of the HMIC switches and discrete surmount devices.
10 minutes
Discrete PIN Diodes and PIN Limiters
This presentation will introduce MACOM's Discrete PIN Diodes and PIN Limiters.
5 minutes
Ka-Band High Linearity Power Amplifiers
An introduction to the latest additions to MACOM’s power amplifier portfolio.
10 minutes
Family of High Power Limiters
MACOM introduces power limiters that provide solutions for receiver protection circuits in high power radar applications.
5 minutes
Family of Mixers Overview
This tutorial will give an introduction to MACOM’s mixer family, the target market and packaging before taking a closer look at the features and benefits of each discrete mixer.
5 minutes
Heterolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Products
A microwave and mW integrated circuit that can create three dimensional structures based on a marriage of silicon and glass at a waferscale level.

关于 MACOM Technology Solutions

MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (www.macom.com) 是高性能模拟射频、微波、毫米波和光电半导体产品领域的领导厂商,其产品能够实现下一代互联网和现代战场应用。MACOM 凭借其广泛的技术和产品目录组合而闻名于世,产品覆盖各类市场,包括:高速光纤、卫星、雷达、有线和无线网络、汽车、工业、医疗以及移动设备。作为半导体行业的支柱型企业,我们拥有 60 多年历史,能够帮助客户解决最复杂的问题,在射频到光技术应用领域是您真正的合作伙伴。

MACOM 总部设在美国马萨诸塞州罗维尔,获得了 ISO9001 国际质量标准体系认证和 ISO14001 环境管理标准认证。MACOM 设立了多所设计中心和销售办事处,遍布北美、欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚。MACOM、M/A-COM、M/A-COM Technology Solutions、M/A-COM Tech、射频和微波合作伙伴、微波第一品牌以及相关徽标均为 MACOM 的商标。所有其它商标均为其各自所有者的产权。