Webinar - Lithium Batteries: Enhancing Protection and Control with Littelfuse

Image of Webinar - Lithium Batteries: Enhancing Protection and Control with Littelfuse

While lithium batteries are one of the top choices in battery technology, they often get a bad rep regarding safety issues. As technology and society continue to evolve, the requirement for safer, more efficient battery technologies has become critical. This is why Littelfuse has created the TTape™ platform.

Join Dr. Marco Doms and Paulius Juskevicius from Littelfuse on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 10 AM CDT as they discuss cutting-edge innovations in thermal management and battery protection. They will provide expert insights and practical applications while helping you advance your knowledge of battery safety by showing you an innovative approach to thermal management.

Not able to join live? Register anyway to receive a recording when the webinar is complete.

Register here: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4556883/770793990D488271E124D7CB42F3B7A0?partnerref=blog


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