Engineering Career Paths After Graduation


Join DigiKey and partners from Infineon, the University of California-San Diego, and SparkFun Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 10 AM CST as they discuss your options after graduation. Some of the topics that will be explored are ways to keep enhancing your engineering “talent stack” for a job interview, your first job, and your career path. What is a “talent stack”? A talent stack is a skillset that meshes together, creating a brand for YOU as an industry professional. This will be further discussed in this webinar.

The presenters include:

  • Patrick Kane - Director of the University Alliances (UA), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, An Infineon Technologies Company. Patrick has been the director of the UA at Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, An Infineon Technologies Company since 2006. UA is dedicated to partnering with academia to ensure that professors and students have access to the latest Cypress and Infineon technology for use in education and research. He holds ASEET, BSEE, and MBA degrees as well as a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Technology.
  • Ramsin Khoshabeh - Director, ECE Makerspace & Lecturer, University of California, San Diego. Dr. Khoshabeh received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the ECE department at UC San Diego. He completed his PhD in 2012, specializing in computer vision and machine learning for medical applications. Dr. Khoshabeh holds two patents in video processing and one in adaptive nonlinear signal processing.
  • Kirk Benell - Chief Technology Officer, SparkFun Electronics.  Kirk is a leader in both commercial software and embedded electronics and is the CTO at Sparkfun Electronics. He develops technical strategy, leads development collaborations, and builds SparkFun’s product road map.

These panelists have varying years in the industry, but have one thing in common: they have all seen the “what’s next” after graduation and have all successfully launched careers centered around their talent stacks. Their experiences will be shared and they will show you methods and online resources that will help you obtain your first job and launch an engineering career.

Register even if you are unable to attend, and a recording will be sent once it’s completed.

Register here:


Image of Rich Miron, Digi-Key Electronics

Rich Miron 是 DigiKey 的高级技术内容编撰人,自 2007 年以来一直在技术内容小组工作,主要负责撰写和编辑文章、博客和产品培训模块内容。在加入 DigiKey 之前,他曾从事核潜艇仪表和控制系统的测试、验证工作。Rich 拥有美国北达科他州立大学的电气和电子工程学位。

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