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Micro Commercial Components (MCC)

Image of MCC's Super-Junction and Split Gate Technology MOSFETs

超级结和分离栅技术 MOSFET

Micro Commercial Components 的超级结高压 MOSFET 平台采用多层外延工艺制造,额定电压范围为 650 V ~ 800 V。这使得该零件更加坚固,具有更好的 EMI 性能,非常适合大功率初级侧应用。

Image of MCC's Split-Gate Technology MOSFETs

分离栅技术 MOSFET

Micro Commercial Components 的分离栅技术 MOSFET 提供了极低的 RDS(on) 值,允许在更小的封装中实现更高的电流密度。

Image of MCC's Expanded Power and Small Signal MOSFETs

扩展了大功率、小信号 MOSFET

MCC 扩展了其大功率、小信号 MOSFET 产品供应范围,以用于各种应用。


Innovating for Sustainability: MCC’s Role in Shaping Tomorrow’s Smart Cities
Innovating for Sustainability: MCC’s Role in Shaping Tomorrow’s Smart Cities
Understanding MCC MOSFETs: Product and Technologies Explained
Understanding MCC MOSFETs: Product and Technologies Explained
Enhance Your Electric Power Steering with MCC: Reliable Components for Optimal Performance
Enhance Your Electric Power Steering with MCC: Reliable Components for Optimal Performance
Discover the secrets to reliable performance and optimal design in automotive exterior lighting!
Discover the secrets to reliable performance and optimal design in automotive exterior lighting!

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Schottky Diodes Overview
This presentation will introduce the features, applications, and characteristics of the Schottky diode.
5 minutes
Super Junction MOSFETs
This presentation will provide an overview of the products, explain the advantages, and list some typical applications.
5 minutes
Ethernet Protection Products
The major transient threats to Ethernet systems, applications for Ethernet protection devices, and an overview of MCC's Ethernet protection device offering.
5 minutes
Transient Voltage Suppressors
MCC's TVS diodes offer extensive range meeting industry requirements from 400 W to 30 KW, exhibit excellent clamping ration, and no inherent wear-out mechanism.
5 minutes
Diode Handling and Mounting
ESD considerations for MCC diodes and the test and mounting precautions for them.

关于 Micro Commercial Components (MCC)

MCC (Micro Commercial Components) 总部位于美国,是分立半导体领域的领导者,拥有内部晶圆工厂和完整的生产能力。其全球网络、业务模式以及 10,0000 多种元器件产品组合可在不牺牲质量的情况下提供具有竞争力的价格和更短的交货时间。产品包括各种各样的二极管、晶体管、IGBT、MOSFET、SiC SBD、SiC MOSFET、稳压器和保护器件。凭借优良的服务,MCC 为工业、汽车、消费电子等领域提供各种现成即用的解决方案。