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Bluetooth Data exchange between Millenium Slims
Bluetooth Data exchange between Millenium Slims
Review The new Millenium Slim from Crouzet
Review The new Millenium Slim from Crouzet
What are Solid State Relays?
What are Solid State Relays?
GET TO KNOW: Crouzet New Universal Digital Timer
GET TO KNOW: Crouzet New Universal Digital Timer

近期 PTM

10 minutes
Snap-Action Switches Technology and Specifications
The mechanical and electrical components to consider when choosing a snap action switch along with Crouzet's four snap switch product lines.
10 minutes
Millenium 3 Controller Software
Millenium 3 software makes it easy to create PLC programs and make changes. Learn about installation, programming, simulation, and uploading.

关于 Crouzet

Crouzet Automation、Crouzet Control、Crouzet Motors 和 Crouzet Switches 是 InnoVista Sensors™ 旗下品牌。Crouzet 的各个品牌均是各自领域的专家,与客户分享其雄厚的专业知识和丰富的经验,并能根据客户的特殊要求提供各种定制产品。

Crouzet 的各个品牌始终专注于创新,能为客户提供针对合适应用的合适产品,并能在品质、可靠性和服务方面达到客户的期望。