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Apex Tool Group


Weller WXsmart Kits
Weller WXsmart Kits
Weller Erem 1 million cycles moves - TESTED!
Weller Erem 1 million cycles moves TESTED
Weller WSW Solder Wire - Reduced Tip Consumption
Weller WSW Solder Wire - Reduced Tip Consumption
Weller WSW Solder Wire - TIP WETTING
Weller WSW Solder Wire - TIP WETTING

近期 PTM

5 minutes
WX Soldering Station Lock System
A tutorial on how to utilize features and benefits of the WX series soldering stations.
5 minutes
Weller WT Menu Navigation
Instructions on how to navigate through the main menus of the WT series soldering stations from Apex.
5 minutes
Weller WT Lockout Feature
This presentation will instruct users on how to better utilize the features and benefits of the Weller WT series stations.

关于 Apex Tool Group

Carl Weller 在 1945 年于美国宾夕法尼亚州伊斯顿创立了 Weller Electric Co.,同年发明了焊枪。他找到了一种针对快速增长的无线电修理市场的服务方法。该发明之后紧接着在 1950 年发明了第一个烙铁,随后是 1976 年发明了第一个温控烙铁。

Weller 于 1959 年将业务扩张到了欧洲。在公司发展历程中,Weller 始终致力于开发面向消费者和工业市场的前瞻性产品。

Weller 成立了七人研发团队,拥有大量专利,并屡获奖项,充分印证了公司矢志技术开发的承诺。

Weller 大学培训中心在 2007 年成立于北卡罗来纳州埃佩克斯。每年培训人次达 100多人。