710 Manual Datasheet by B&K Precision

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mm" 710 Instrucflon Manual CE TYPE K THERMOMETER ”a aux m
CONTENT T/TLE PAGE L Introduction" ||,Speciflcallom. V ,. ‘ ll). Symbol Dcfinflhm and Button Locallon IVL Opemflon Illfltucflam. 4.1Powev-Up‘,‘ ‘ 4 2 Connewng me Themmuples, 4 3 Selecfing me Tempenamre Stale . 4 4 DaErHDLd 0pemfim.., 4 5 T1,TZ‘T1VT2 Display Comm], 4 6 Relaa‘ve Operauon ,. .. . 4 7 MAX/MlN/AVG aperauon, 4.8 Auto PWer 0!" . . 4.9 Low Battery Condim, 4.10 Calibration Po'nl 4.11 Diglfal DUIpUL," Servlce Infommion “AU , ,11 limhod one-YurWanan
I m I. Inlrodunlon: This msuumenl s a mud thermomem for use wilh my K-Pyps Irvsrmowupte Is bmpaalure sensuv Tempenlum indmannn Inflows Nan-anal Bureau nfSIandards am IEcsad tempemwdvellaqe Iabks in! Mypa mammples, u. Splclflcmionx: Mum-mu Eilvliy: 4 diuiLal “quid mysw dwsplar/ Mulunmt Rlnue: ~zmrc ~ mu-c Vm-r ~ 2495*; Rnolflliun: rzm'c- zoo-c n - m-c ~1370'c 1's 720017- 209: 0 PF, else I'F III-mum Vomgl n Thumamllnll Inpult SW Dc, ov Wm Ac Emlronmem-I: - Dperaflng Temoemluve am Mummy 0‘0 -50‘C (sz'F ~122‘F)‘ U-WA RH . storage Temperamve arm Humhfly rto'c m are (M'F ~1w'n,o - 80* RH - mime up In 2000 mews Amway: Muzs'cy Rang. Aocmcy 400‘s mum 2m 3% mam . q-cp zoo-c - 4W6 2m 5% mm: ‘ 1-0» :10 av. tum"): ¢ rcp 323' - mm: m 5v. mama + 2-H my: - 2am: :40 av. mama . 2~Fv 2am: - 400'; ,m 51/. many 4 TF) 7 AGO'F - 2495': 440316 mama . 2'7) For Tm Measuremem. IM may .5 4 a 5'1. H-TZIsadi'IQ ‘ TC) m 4057. 11-12mm ‘ Z‘F) l n m Tanwlwmcam m: Fammm limpsralureshom o'c - we and 2m - sn-c‘ tor each ‘c ambient hsiw 13": Dr same we add me Mawiw Memos inlo ms mauracy 5m ammnmm mare {umwwmmurfl um: the om mum Specmmnnn dues rm mama» mm me puma phase Me! nu ma Vane immacy specificaflm (a! addmmz‘ metals sum. Rm- 0 5 mm per 5mm Dim-ml 34 x54 xsomm Welghl: 210,; Approx (7 doll Ace-nary: K Tyvs em Probe, Banw 0mm 0%: Inslmclm Menu Option: sun Wan Package ¢ Program, R5212 Connemiun ewe) , AC Mama Pow requilunlm: Won Balmy. NEDA 1604 mJIS wow u! IEOSFZZ nanny Uh: Appmx. mommy. swim tangy ACM-Mu: Wwfls‘ls 100nm : Hug Dan-era 3 5x135mm
mm my Ill. Symbol Mnmon Illd Button Location mm Dlspllty sum: Dilplly . :‘fms mums ma me mmus tempemm \s sensed ‘c ‘F .CenI/gradem menneivinuicawn. K 'Thermocwvie Type humane/I HOLD : 1m Indies“: m. value memwnen me Huwd bulwn was plessafl MAX ms Max‘mxmvelue n nw bang dispmsa mm mm wnumum Vs‘un LS mw heme dismayed AVG ‘ The Name valueis now being dismayed. AREL ,Tne mung \s m unflsv swam Mod: a :The Eatery is nmsmficmnflor pmpst opevauan, urn-an: m Button Location: (1) 11 K lype hempevamls sum! comm ® 12 x lype oemperamre Samar 001mm! © LCD dismay (D DNIOFF when (9 HOLD mum (9 Tumm mnlml numn (D Ralalive madam moon ® MAX MIN Average comm mum G) '0. ’F comm mum ® onsemibmum men (9 Digim mum mnnem ® AC pm. mm comm ® Tnpod summer @ Emery cabinel mm IV. our-(Inn Innmetlnns: u yummy Press Ins okay he lum live “munch! on 01 OFF. 42 Canmcflon olTlunmowrflu Fnr measuremenl. plug me mennowupls mm In: innm connectors, 13 ukutinu nun-“puma Scale was:- me mm 5 am mam} on (he delaullsca‘e semnn \s sew Cdshu rc; sash The usev may change in» Fahrenhefl m by pressing ‘ 'ch ' Mon and we vets: w Celsius. u Duh-Hold Openfioll The usermay now me pmssflmading and kbep .1 on me away by passing me‘ mu: ' Dumn Whm ms held datalsno \mgar new one my release ma datum! mvam by MW ‘uom‘ bmtqn agan.
M m When me meler is umet Dal. Ham anemia", ma “Am", @ aid- 'EI'F‘MKCM are disabled u mm—n Dllplly Cnnml: One may meclTl T2 arTHQ w srmw 0" we rim‘ir display by pressing ® hullail When n all? is seleclla shim on me main display lie nlher |empal21llle will be shown on me semi display When we sslsclTlsTZ |o mm ohms ma'» display TI and T2 will be shwm on In second display ammalnly 4.5 Edam: BMW Car Illln Dhnljy: wrieri lie 'Am' billion is pressed, lie Miami“ memlke ms mass“ Ming am «he niiereroe helmell lie m leading and lire «lemma dala will be smwm all ma display Pless Illa mar hlmnfl Again in exil lie Ruafive operanori. u uAX/llllmAvs Operation for lllairi llelzy: wrisri me MID" is msed me melel will enter lire MAX/MW mods. Unda‘ W5 modems maximum ulnar minimum value 2M mega value oi laissl a readings is kept in lire mum simullaiieously all warm will. every m msflmg When In: MAX symbol 5 msplsym Maximum is sim- all me away, Press Q9 alga". man are NIN symbol sari we display aria also Ihe minimum wading Press again in; Ave symbol is all lire display and also lie ave maria PMS aga‘n‘ MAX MIN and AVGWlIINlnk logelhev This malls ml all "less dala is updaka‘l ir- iris mermry are me reading is llie preset“ temperature. One may puss @ mammals the display mode among lime oplmrls wrier lire meler is um welafion‘ win- and . 'crr ~ as disabled Ta sxn iii: MAX/MIN rrruae, we may press sin min rm M0 seconds firm n u Aim Powvofi: By asmli mm»; more is wweled on. ii is unasiauw met all ma, iris mrwill pmr ilsslloll alier 30 mini» nno key alumina or R5232 mmrmsmir. Key combinamn ai pallet an or R8232 mmnlcalim can disable aim power all One may press and hold - flour Dullml aid lhecl power on lie meter and mere will be [we massive beeps ll) irmicale irial silo wwsr sins disabled :3 low mm Common When he balluy valiant: is under mpelopmaliofl reqmrsmls, the El symbol will srimr arr lhl LCD and ms hamery will need lo be mum win new on uo cam-i Palm: meTmoeflm 23 13-: lam o~c m-c manic IWO'F A uan vm \m VRI VH4 Mum ‘0‘ 'c sail 'c M 'c u -r mrrrrallr para-mag Mm Cammn mm mm mm ice mm mm vrrl will airs I wry ma mum mi m nigilal cinpm: lire Digiul Ollqu is a 96m»: N in send inmflace YMRXlsaEle/ndhivh lllplflpon. M TheTXisaSV normal mil vim“! M “13$ng Tris minim o1 Dlgrlal Ollpul is lis| new we runm i. No Ask lam dwlay mm nuiscurli imam) $3M 22m; u lot summit-y my UM Sam mm hum mgr: mm mm. "ma
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7m “mm. Limit-d ono

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