54-00080 Datasheet by Tensility International Corp

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iiatings Voltage: 30 Vdc Current: 300 MA Operafing Temperature Range 725" to 1:5“C, relative humidity pl 35% or less Materials 1. lnsulator- nylon, black 2. insulator nylon, black 3. Shell: brass, nickel plated 4. Spring conta hosphor oronze, nickelcplated 5. Spring conta , hosphor bianze, nickelcplated 6.50ldertab brass, nickelcplated 7. Nu[: brass, nickelcplated, P/N 5500004, MEX 0.75 5. Split washer: cold rolled steel, nickel plated, P/N ss-uoaos Electrical Requirements Dielectric 517319th min @ 500 Vac insulation resistance: loo MO @ 500 Vdc Contact resistance: so mo or less Mechaniul itequirernents insertion form: 0 372 kgf withdrawal torc 3-2 tot Terminal strength a static load oi 300 nghall be applied to the terminal ior 15 seconds in any direction, Lite cycle: soon mating cycieswhile mainia'n'ng less than ion mn contact resistance, son/in insulation resistance, and 500 Vac foil minute withstand voltage Soldering Soidera y:75% minimum (average when terminals dipped 2mm in 235 +5 1: solder path tor 3 :0 5 seconds Solder oath duraoili 7' no deformation when immersed in 255 :5 °c up to suriace oi the board La rnm for 5 seconds or less Solder iron durability: no deiormation when exposed to 350 :1 u in far 3 10.5 Seconds Environmental Requirements Cold te 25 :3 °c ior4t1 hours houtdetormation Heat (93 . 5 :2 DC, lelalivE huml I y45785% for 48 hams without deiormation HuMidily test: 40 12°C, relative humidity 90798% ior4t1 hours without deformation $3.5 EEK Mating Plug Installation Details Panel thickness: 120 c 4.8 mm Panel cutout g: 92 * 105 mm SECTION AVA 20.5 $050 v—oa \/—°A Schematic Revision: Date: Description: Prepared: Notes: A 13/3/2017 initial release AG 773m: Rz>HS

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