
Scheme-it homepage has a new look with focus on schematics.

Find yours and find more

Main tabs in Home

Public Projects

Search and filter by date

public projects - search and filter by date
Publish your project

To make your project public, in the main toolbar, click Share main toolbar share button button, then click Public make a project public

My Projects

Recently edited schematics

Recent schematics will show first, to help you quickly jump to where you left off.

my projects recently edited
Changing sort order

Your schematics are sorted by their creation time, in descending order.

To change sort order, click the header of the column PROJECT NAME my projects sort by project name or CREATED my projects sort by creation date .

Visibility filter

Have an overview of which schematics you've shared with Visibility filter.

You can specify which type of project to show in the list: Private, Shared, or Public. You can select more than one option.

my projects filter by visibility

Design Starters

Featured Design Starters

featured design starters
Search and Filters

With more than 200 designs, quickly find what you want with search. The filters narrow the list based on application type or manufacturer.

design starters expand filters

For example, you want to look for keyword "USB" under "Consumer Electronics":

design starters search and filter

The result will appear to the right:

design starters result of search and filter
Result page

The list is paginated, items per page can be changed as follows:

design starters change items per page

Detail page

This page shows the summary, the author, last update, and incorporated products of a schematic.

project details

To add the summary to your schematic, go to Notes main toolbar notes button then add content to Summary project notes summary tab tab. Don't forget to click Save button.

Useful resources

You can ask questions related to Scheme-it in TechForum.

A handful of calculators are ready for use during your design process. Go to Calculators.

Digi-Key also offers a library of technical blueprints that have been designed and verified to solve system-level problems and reduce time to market. Go to Reference Design Library.